Pupils, students and their parents face numerous challenges within the educational system. For pupils and students, academic pressure, difficulties in maintaining a balance between school and extracurricular activities, as well as adapting to different teaching styles, can pose significant challenges.
We are here with the essential legal information to help you navigate the educational system, whether it's for you or your child. In the following steps, you will learn more about enrollment in the public education system, as well as the rights that pupils and students have.
What do you want to know more about?
Enrollment in the educational system
Preschool education - nursery (0-3 years)
The child is a Romanian citizen
In order to enroll your child in a public nursery (state-run), both parents need to be employed or engaged in educational activities (e.g. to be enrolled in university classes).
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any nursery, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that nursery.
If there are available spots, decisions for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
📌 The general criteria for prioritization ares:
the child will be2 years old by the end of the current calendar year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
both parents of the child or the legal representative work or present a certificate of return to work, within 30 days of the beginning of the school year. The situations in which the parent or legal representative proves the existence of an LLC (PFA/S.R.L.) type of activity, is assimilated to that of working parents/legal representatives;
the child's parent or legal representative does not receive an allowance for raising and caring for the child;
at least one of the child's parents/legal representative follows a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the parent or legal representative of the child has another minor child in their care (up to the fourth grade of primary education) and/or another child enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which registration is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in a nursery?
Enrollment in the nursery is done by submitting a standard enrollment application, together with supporting documents.
The standard enrollment application can be sent by e-mail, by post, with confirmation of receipt, or it can be submitted at the headquarters of the educational unit where the parent or the legal representative wishes to enroll the child, within the timeframe specified in the enrollment calendar for children in pre-primary and/or pre-school level groups and early childhood education services.
The parent or the legal representative has the option to list three choices in the standard enrollment application.
📌 What happens to the standard application sent by e-mail or post?
In the case of submission via e-mail or post, the parent will send to the educational institution the standard statement regarding the accuracy of the information provided in the application (i.e. Annexa3_Declaratie.pdf (edu.ro).
The validation of the standard enrollment application is mandatory and is done at the educational institution where the parent applies for enrollment. It consists of comparing the data entered in the computer application with the documents sent/submitted by the parent.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, that you can get from the nursery;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
employment certificate for each parent or legal representative or a certificate regarding the child-rearing leave period for extended programs, respectively for enrollment in pre-primary education;
other supporting documents, as appropriate.
📌 At the beginning of the school year, the following documents will be required:
a certificate from the family doctor stating that the child is clinically healthy;
an epidemiologic certificate or vaccine record issued in accordance with the Ministry of Health regulations, for the child's first entry into school, issued by the child's family doctor no more than 5 days before the child starts attending classes.
The child is a Ukrainian citizen
Children from Ukraine, regardless of their status, have the right to be enrolled in a nursery in Romania.
📌 Attention!
In order to be able to enroll your child in a public (state) nursery school, it is necessary that both parents are employed or carry out educational activities (for example, they are enrolled in day courses at the university).
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any nursery, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that nursery. If there are available spots, the decision for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
📌 The general criteria for prioritization are:
the child will be 2 years old by the end of the current calendar year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
both parents of the child or the legal representative work or present a certificate of return to work, within 30 days of the beginning of the school year. The situations in which the parent or legal representative proves the existence of a LLC (PFA/S.R.L.) type of activity, is assimilated to that of working parents/legal representatives;
the child's parent or legal representative does not receive an allowance for raising and caring for the child;
at least one of the child's parents/legal representative follows a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the parent or legal representative of the child has another dependent minor child (up to the fourth grade of primary education) and/or another child enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which registration is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in a nursery?
The place where applications are submitted depends on the authorities, which have a different approach in the country, given that, starting this year, some nurseries are subordinated to the local administration (city hall) and others are linked to a kindergarten, so they are subordinated to the Ministry of Education.
Ukrainian refugee parents are advised to contact their nearest nursery for information on this particular situation. They can be instructed to register on the spot or have their documents collected to be registered with the School Inspectorate.
For more information about the procedure, as well as for the complete list of School Inspectorates, we recommend consulting this page (available in Romanian, Ukrainian and English). You can find out more about the support measures granted by the Romanian state for Ukrainian students here.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, which you can download here in Ukrainian, Romanian and English;
the child's birth certificate;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the child;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the parent;
the temporary protection document or the residence permit in Romania, as the case may be.
The child is a citizen of another state
Foreign citizen children whose parents have a residence permit in Romania can be enrolled in the nursery under the same conditions as Romanian citizen children..
In order to enroll your child in a public nursery (state-run), both parents need to be employed or engaged in educational activities (e.g. to be enrolled in university classes).
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any nursery, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that nursery. If there are available spots, decisions for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
📌 The general criteria for prioritization that apply are as follows:
the child will be 2 years old by the end of the current calendar year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
both parents of the child or the legal representative work or present a certificate of return to work, within 30 days of the beginning of the school year. The situations in which the parent or legal representative proves the existence of an LLC (PFA/S.R.L.) type of activity, is assimilated to that of working parents/legal representatives;
the child's parent or legal representative does not receive an allowance for raising and caring for the child; at least one of the child's parents/legal representative follows a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the parent or legal representative of the child has another dependent minor child in their care (up to the fourth grade of primary education) and/or another child enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which registration is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in a nursery?
Enrollment in the nursery is done by submitting a standard enrollment application, accompanied by supporting documents.
The standard enrollment application can be sent by e-mail, by post, with confirmation of receipt, or it can be submitted at the headquarters of the educational unit where the parent or the legal representative wishes to enroll the child, within the timeframe specified in the enrollment calendar for early childhood education services.
The parent or legal representative has the possibility of registering three options in the standard enrollment application.
📌 What happens to the standard application sent by e-mail or post?
In the case of submission via e-mail or post, the parent will send to the educational institution the standard statement regarding the accuracy of the information provided in the application (i.e. Annexa3_Declaratie.pdf (edu.ro)).
The validation of the standard enrollment application is mandatory and is done at the educational institution where the parent applies for enrollment. It consists of comparing the data entered in the computer application with the documents sent/submitted by the parent.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, that you can get from the nursery;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
employment certificate for each parent or legal representative or a certificate regarding the child-rearing leave period for extended programs, respectively for enrollment in pre-primary education;
other supporting documents, as appropriate.
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
At the beginning of the school year, the following documents will be required:
a certificate from the family doctor stating that the child is clinically healthy;
an epidemiologic certificate or vaccine record issued in accordance with the Ministry of Health regulations, for the child's first entry into school, issued by the child's family doctor no more than 5 days before the child starts attending classes.
Preschool education - kindergarten (3-6 years)
The child is a Romanian citizen
Children between the ages of 3 and 6 can be enrolled in kindergarten, regardless of whether the parents work or not. By way of exception, children between the ages of 2 and 3 can also be enrolled in kindergarten, if there are still available places in that kindergarten.
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any kindergarten, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that kindergarten. If there are available spots, decisions for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
📌 The general criteria for prioritization that apply are as follows:
the child is 4 or 5 years old at the beginning of the school year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
at least one of the parents or the child's legal representative attends a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the child has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate) or a certificate of school and professional guidance issued by the County or Municipal Center for Resources and Assistance in Education (CJRAE/CMBRAE);
the child’s sibling is enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which enrollment is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in kindergarten?
The standard enrollment application can be sent by e-mail, by post, with confirmation of receipt, or it can be submitted at the headquarters of the educational unit where the parent or the legal representative wishes to enroll the child, within the timeframe specified in the enrollment calendar for children in early childhood education services.
In the case of enrollment in an educational unit with legal personality with preschool or pre-preschool level groups, the parent or legal representative has the possibility of registering three options in the standard application enrollment.
📌 What happens to the standard application sent by e-mail or post?
In the case of submission via e-mail or post, the parent will send to the educational institution the standard statement regarding the accuracy of the information provided in the application (i.e. Annexa3_Declaratie.pdf (edu.ro)).
The validation of the standard enrollment application is mandatory and is done at the educational institution where the parent applies for enrollment. It consists of comparing the data entered in the computer application with the documents sent/submitted by the parent.
📌 Can the standard application be completed at the educational institution?
In the situation where the standard application form is completed at the educational institution’s headquarters where the child is to be enrolled, the data is uploaded to the digital database in presence of the parent or legal representative, by a member of the enrollment committee of the educational unit, designated by the director.
In this case, immediately after completing the standard application form, its validation is carried out.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence with a view to adoption;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
employment certificate for each parent or legal representative or a certificate regarding the child-rearing leave period for extended programs, respectively for enrollment in pre-primary education;
other supporting documents, as appropriate.
At the beginning of the school year, the following documents will be required:
a certificate from the family doctor stating that the child is clinically healthy;
an epidemiologic certificate or vaccine record issued in accordance with the Ministry of Health regulations, for the child's first entry into school, issued by the child's family doctor no more than 5 days before the child starts attending classes.
The child is a Ukrainian citizen
Children between the ages of 3 and 6 can be enrolled in kindergarten, regardless of whether the parents work or not. By way of exception, children between the ages of 2 and 3 can also be enrolled in kindergarten, if there are still available places in that kindergarten.
Children from Ukraine, regardless of their status, have the right to be enrolled in a kindergarten in Romania. You can find out more about the support measures granted by the Romanian state for Ukrainian students here.
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any kindergarten, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that kindergarten. If there are available spots, decisions for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
📌 The general criteria for prioritization that apply are as follows:
the child is 4 or 5 years old at the beginning of the school year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
at least one of the parents or the child's legal representative attends a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the child has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate) or a certificate of school and professional guidance issued by the County or Municipal Center for Resources and Assistance in Education (CJRAE/CMBRAE);
the child’s sibling is enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which enrollment is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in a kindergarten?
You can enroll your child in kindergarten by taking the standard application and all the necessary documents to one of the County School Inspectorates or directly to the kindergarten you are interested in. You can find here the list of all County School Inspectorates in Romania.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, which you can download here in Ukrainian, Romanian and English;
the child's birth certificate;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the child;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the parent;
the temporary protection document or the residence permit in Romania, as the case may be.
The child is the citizen of another state
Children between the ages of 3 and 6 can be enrolled in kindergarten, regardless of whether the parents work or not. By way of exception, children between the ages of 2 and 3 can also be enrolled in kindergarten, if there are still available places in that kindergarten.
📌 Do I have the right to enroll my child in any kindergarten, or am I conditioned by my residence?
There is no requirement for enrollment based on residence, but priority is given to children with domicile (main address) within the area of that kindergarten. If there are available spots, decisions for enrollment of other children are made based on their applications.
The general criteria for prioritization that apply are as follows:
the child is 4 or 5 years old at the beginning of the school year;
one of the parents or legal representative’s domicile or place of work of is located near the educational institution where the parent or legal representative submits the enrollment application;
at least one of the parents or the child's legal representative attends a form of full-time education;
the child benefits from guardianship or a special protection measure established under the conditions of Law no. 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of children's rights;
the child is in the care of only one parent (single-parent family);
at least one of the parents or the legal representative of the child falls into one of the following situations:
retired in accordance with legal provisions;
has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
unemployed, looking for a job, with supporting documents from the employment agency.
the child has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate) or a certificate of school and professional guidance issued by the County or Municipal Center for Resources and Assistance in Education (CJRAE/CMBRAE);
the child’s sibling is enrolled in the respective educational unit in the school year for which enrollment is made.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in kindergarten?
The standard enrollment application can be sent by e-mail, by post, with confirmation of receipt, or it can be submitted at the headquarters of the educational unit where the parent or the legal representative wishes to enroll the child, within the timeframe specified in the enrollment calendar for children in early childhood education services.
The parent or legal representative has the possibility of registering three kindergarten options in the standard application enrollment.
📌 What happens to the standard application sent by e-mail or post?
In the case of submission via e-mail or post, the parent will send to the educational institution the standard statement regarding the accuracy of the information provided in the application (i.e. Annexa3_Declaratie.pdf (edu.ro)).
The validation of the standard enrollment application is mandatory and is done at the educational institution where the parent applies for enrollment. It consists of comparing the data entered in the computer application with the documents sent/submitted by the parent.
📌 Can the standard application be completed at the educational institution?
In the situation where the standard application form is completed at the educational institution’s headquarters where the child is to be enrolled, the the data is uploaded to the digital database in the presence of the parent or legal representative, by a member of the enrollment committee of the educational unit, designated by the director.
In this case, immediately after completing the standard application form, its validation is carried out.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence with a view to adoption;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and with information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
employment certificate for each parent or legal representative or a certificate regarding the child-rearing leave period for extended programs, respectively for enrollment in pre-primary education;
other supporting documents, as appropriate.
For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
At the beginning of the school year, the following documents will be required:
a certificate from the family doctor stating that the child is clinically healthy;
an epidemiologic certificate or vaccine record issued in accordance with the Ministry of Health regulations, for the child's first entry into school, issued by the child's family doctor no more than 5 days before the child starts attending classes.
School education- grades 0-8th
The child is a Romanian citizen
The child is enrolled in school in Romania for the first time
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children who are at least 6 years old before the start of the school year must be enrolled in school. Children who turn 6 during the following school year can also be enrolled in school, if their level of development is appropriate.
📌 Can I enroll my child in any school or am i restricted by my residency?
As a parent, you can choose for your child to be enrolled in:
the neighborhood (district) school: in this situation, the child is automatically enrolled, based on the validation of the enrollment request. The district school is the school unit located near the domicile (main address) of the student. To find out which is the neighborhood school of your child, you can contact the School Inspectorate in the county or sector where you live. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
another school: in this situation, the child is enrolled within the limit of free places and, if necessary, based on the general criteria and, subsequently, on the specific tie-breaking criteria.
The general tie-breaking criteria are as follows:
the child has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a disability certificate);
the child is an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased). The situation of a child who comes from a children's home, a foster care center or from family foster care is assimilated to the situation of an orphan;
the child has a brother or sister enrolled in the respective educational institution.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in school?
In general, the enrollment period in the preparatory class takes place in May and June of the school year prior to the one in which the child is to be enrolled. We recommend that you consult the website of the Ministry of Education to check the exact registration period and other important announcements.
Standard enrollment applications can be completed and validated directly at the educational institution where you want to enroll your child.
Standard enrollment applications can also be completed online on a dedicated platform, but after completing them, you must go to the educational institution where you wish to enroll the child in order to validate the application.
📌 What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence with a view to adoption;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
in the case of completing or submitting the application online, the standard statement regarding the correctness of the information entered in the application;
if the child is not 6 years old yet, the recommendation for enrollment in the preparatory class. This recommendation is issued by the kindergarten the child attended or, if he did not attend any kindergarten in Romania, by the County or Municipal Center for Resources and Assistance in Education (CJRAE/CMBRAE);
other supporting documents, as needed.
The child has studied abroad and wants to continue their studies in Romania
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children who are at least 6 years old before the start of the school year must be enrolled in school. Children who turn 6 during the following school year can also be enrolled in school, if their level of development is appropriate.
📌 Can I enroll my child in any school or am I restricted by my residency?
As a parent you can choose for your child to be enrolled in:
the neighborhood (district) school: in this situation, the child is automatically enrolled, based on the validation of the enrollment request. The district school is the school unit located near the domicile (main address) of the student. To find out which is the neighborhood school of your child, you can contact the School Inspectorate in the county or sector where you live. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
another school: in this situation, the child is enrolled within the limit of free places and, if necessary, based on the general criteria and, subsequently, on the specific tie-breaking criteria.
The general tie-breaking criteria are as follows:
the child has a medical classification of handicapped certificate;
the child is an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased).. The situation of a child who comes from a children's home, a foster care center or from family foster care is assimilated to the situation of an orphan;
the child has a brother or sister enrolled in the respective educational institution.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
📌 How do I enroll my child in school?
You can enroll your child in school by taking the standard application and all the necessary documents to one of the County School Inspectorates or directly to the school you are interested in. You can find here the list of all County School Inspectorates in Romania.
Children who have been to school in another country can be enrolled as students in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
By way of exception, Romanian students enrolled in the European school system, reintegrated into the national education system, have their grades and qualifications recognized and equated in a simplified procedure, based on an application approved by the Ministry of Education, with placement in the appropriate class.
The equivalency file (application and supporting documents) can be submitted to the County or Municipal School Inspectorate where you live or directly to the school the child is attending as an audient student. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
📌 What documents do I need?
The equivalency file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
school documents from the country where he/she studied, showing the level, duration and successful completion of the class or classes for which equivalence is requested - copies and authorized translations;
if the child has previously studied in Romania, transcript for the classes attended in Romania - original;
valid identification document of the student - copy;
other documents, if applicable (e.g. certificate issued by the competent authority of the country where he/she studied confirming the authenticity of the study documents).
For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
The child is a Ukrainian citizen
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children from Ukraine, regardless of their status, have the right to be enrolled in school in Romania.
ATTENTION! Between May and December 2023, Ukrainian refugee families can receive financial support from the Romanian state. Starting from the second month after enrolling in the program, the financial support depends, among other things, on enrolling the children in school. Learn more about the financial support program here.
You can find out more about the support measures granted by the Romanian state for Ukrainian students here.
Can I enroll my child in any school or am I restricted by my residency?
As a parent, you can choose for your child to be enrolled in:
the neighborhood (district) school: in this situation, the child is automatically enrolled, based on the validation of the enrollment request. The district school is the school unit located near the domicile (main address) of the student. To find out which is the neighborhood school of your child, you can contact the School Inspectorate in the county or sector where you live. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
another school: in this situation, the child is enrolled within the limit of free places and, if necessary, based on the general criteria and, subsequently, on the specific tie-breaking criteria.
The general tie-breaking criteria are as follows:
the child has a medical classification of handicapped certificate;
the child is an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased).. The situation of a child who comes from a children's home, a foster care center or from family foster care is assimilated to the situation of an orphan;
the child has a brother or sister enrolled in the respective educational institution.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
How do I enroll my child in school?
You can enroll your child in school by taking the standard application and all the necessary documents to one of the County School Inspectorates or directly to the school you are interested in. You can find here the list of all County School Inspectorates in Romania.
Children who have been to school in another country can be enrolled as students in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, which you can download here in Ukrainian, Romanian and English;
the child's birth certificate;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the child;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the parent;
the temporary protection document or the residence permit in Romania, as the case may be.
The child is a citizen of another country
The child is enrolled in school in Romania for the first time
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Foreign citizen children whose parents have a residence permit in Romania can be enrolled in school under the same conditions as Romanian citizen children.
Children who are at least 6 years old before the start of the school year must be enrolled in school. Children who turn 6 during the following school year can also be enrolled in school, if their level of development is appropriate.
Can I enroll my child in any school or am I restricted by my residency?
As a parent, you can choose for your child to be enrolled in:
the neighborhood (district) school: in this situation, the child is automatically enrolled, based on the validation of the enrollment request. The district school is the school unit located near the domicile (main address) of the student. To find out which is the neighborhood school of your child, you can contact the School Inspectorate in the county or sector where you live. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
another school: in this situation, the child is enrolled within the limit of free places and, if necessary, based on the general criteria and, subsequently, on the specific tie-breaking criteria.
The general tie-breaking criteria are as follows:
the child has a medical classification of handicapped certificate;
the child is an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased). The situation of a child who comes from a children's home, a foster care center or from family foster care is assimilated to the situation of an orphan;
the child has a brother or sister enrolled in the respective educational institution.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
How do I enroll my child in school?
In general, the enrollment period in the preparatory class takes place in May and June of the school year prior to the one in which the child is to be enrolled. We recommend that you consult the website of the Ministry of Education to check the exact registration period and other important announcements.
Standard enrollment applications can be completed and validated directly at the educational institution where you want to enroll your child.
Standard enrollment applications can also be completed online on a dedicated platform, but after completing them, you must go to the educational institution where you wish to enroll the child in order to validate the application.
What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
the child's birth certificate;
identity documents of the parents or the legal representatives;
if the child is adopted, a copy of the placement decision/sentence or of the entrustment sentence with a view to adoption;
if the parents are divorced, proof of how parental authority is exercised and information regarding the child’s residence (which parent they live with);
in the case of completing or submitting the application online, the standard statement regarding the correctness of the information entered in the application;
if the child is not 6 years old yet, the recommendation for enrollment in the preparatory class. This recommendation is issued by the school the child attended or, if he did not attend any school in Romania, by the County or Municipal Center for Resources and Assistance in Education (CJRAE/CMBRAE);
other supporting documents, as needed.
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
The child has studied abroad and wants to continue their studies in Romania
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Foreign citizen children whose parents have a residence permit in Romania can be enrolled in school under the same conditions as Romanian citizen children.
Children who are at least 6 years old before the start of the school year must be enrolled in school. Children who turn 6 during the following school year can also be enrolled in school, if their level of development is appropriate.
Can I enroll my child in any school or am I restricted by my residency?
As a parent, you can choose for your child to be enrolled in:
the neighborhood (district) school: in this situation, the child is automatically enrolled, based on the validation of the enrollment request. The district school is the school unit located near the domicile (main address) of the student. To find out which is the neighborhood school of your child, you can contact the School Inspectorate in the county or sector where you live. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here;
another school: in this situation, the child is enrolled within the limit of free places and, if necessary, based on the general criteria and, subsequently, on the specific tie-breaking criteria.
The general tie-breaking criteria are as follows:
the child has a certified disability (recognized by the Romanian state through a certificate of disability)e;
the child is an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased).. The situation of a child who comes from a children's home, a foster care center or from family foster care is assimilated to the situation of an orphan;
the child has a brother or sister enrolled in the respective educational institution.
The specific tie-breaking criteria are developed by each educational unit and are applied after applying the general criteria.
How do I enroll my child in school?
You can enroll your child in school by taking the standard application and all the necessary documents to one of the County School Inspectorates or directly to the school you are interested in. You can find here the list of all County School Inspectorates in Romania.
Children who have been to school in another country can be enrolled as students in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
The equivalency file (application and supporting documents) can be submitted to the County or Municipal School Inspectorate where you live or directly to the school the child is attending as an audient student. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
What documents do I need?
The equivalency file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
school documents from the country where he/she studied, showing the level, duration and successful completion of the class or classes for which equivalence is requested - copies and authorized translations;
if the child has previously studied in Romania, transcript for the classes attended in Romania - original;
valid identification document of the student - copy;
other documents, if applicable (e.g. certificate issued by the competent authority of the country where he/she studied confirming the authenticity of the study documents).
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
High school education - grades 9th-12th
The child is a Romanian citizen
High school admission
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
The National Assessment
The 8th grade graduates take part in the National Assessment, a national exam that evaluates the knowledge they acquired during secondary school education in mathematics, the Romanian language and their mother tongue (if applicable).
High school distribution
Enrollment in state high schools, in the 9th grade, is done without an exam, based on the admission average grade.
Students are digitally allocated to high schools, in descending order of admission average grades, based on the candidate's choice for the respective profile, specialization or field, and within the limits of approved places.
The admission average grade is the arithmetic average between their National Assessment test scores and their grade point average (GPA) from the 5th til the 8th grade. For example, if their National Assessment test score average is 7 and their grade point average is 8, the final admission average grade will be:
7 + 8
────– = 7,5
For admission to high schools with a vocational profile - sports, military, theological, artistic, pedagogical - as well as for the Waldorf high school, philology specialization - aptitude tests will be organized, before the start of the digital distribution. The aptitude tests will be taken into account when calculating the final grades.
High school enrollment
Enrollment in high schools of admitted candidates is carried out, according to a schedule displayed by the high school, based on the following documents:
application for registration;
identity document (if applicable) and birth certificate, in legalized copy;
certificate attesting their National Assessment test scores;
the transcript for grades 5th and 8th (with the calculation of the general average);
medical records.
Candidates who do not submit their application files according to the schedule displayed by the educational unit are considered to have withdrawn.
The child has studied abroad and wants to continue their studies in Romania
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children who have been to school in another country can enroll as students in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
By way of exception, Romanian students enrolled in the European school system, reintegrated into the national education system, have their grades and qualifications recognized and equated in a simplified procedure, based on an application approved by the Ministry of Education, with placement in the appropriate class.
The equivalency file (application and supporting documents) can be submitted to the County or Municipal School Inspectorate where you live or directly to the school the child is attending as an audient student. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
What documents do I need?
The equivalency file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
school documents from the country where he/she studied, showing the level, duration and successful completion of the class or classes for which equivalence is requested - copies and authorized translations;
if the child has previously studied in Romania, transcript for the classes attended in Romania - original;
valid identification document of the student - copy;
other documents, if applicable (e.g. certificate issued by the competent authority of the country where he/she studied confirming the authenticity of the study documents).
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
The child is a Ukrainian citizen
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children from Ukraine, regardless of their status, have the right to be enrolled in school in Romania.
You can find out more about the support measures granted by the Romanian state for Ukrainian students here.
ATTENTION! Between May and December 2023, Ukrainian refugee families can receive financial support from the Romanian state. Starting from the second month after enrolling in the program, the financial support depends, among other things, on enrolling the children in school. Learn more about the financial support program here.
How do I enroll my child in school?
You can enroll your child in school by taking the standard application and all the necessary documents to one of the County School Inspectorates or directly to the school you are interested in. You can find here the list of all County School Inspectorates in Romania.
Children who have been to school in another country can acquire the status of a student in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
What documents do I need?
The registration file must include the following documents:
standard application form, which you can download here in Ukrainian, Romanian and English;
the child's birth certificate;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the child;
identity card, national or biometric passport of the parent;
the temporary protection document or the residence permit in Romania, as the case may be.
The child is a citizen of another country
High school admission
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Foreign citizen children whose parents have a residence permit in Romania can be enrolled in high school under the same conditions as Romanian citizen children.
The National Assessment
The 8th grade graduates take part in the National Assessment, a national exam that evaluates their knowledge acquired during secondary school education in mathematics, the Romanian language and the mother tongue (if applicable).
High school distribution
Enrollment in state high schools, in the 9th grade, is done without an exam, based on the admission average grade.
Students are digitally allocated to high schools, in descending order of admission average grades, based on the candidate's choice for the respective profile, specialization or field and within the limits of approved places.
The admission average grade is the arithmetic average between their National Assessment test scores and their grade point average (GPA) from the 5th til the 8th grade. For example, if their National Assessment test score average is 7 and their grade point average is 8, the final admission average grade will be:
7 + 8
──── = 7,5
For admission to high schools with a vocational profile - sports, military, theological, artistic, pedagogical - as well as for the Waldorf high school, philology specialization - aptitude tests will be organized, before the start of the computerized distribution, which will be taken into account when calculating the average final grades.
High school enrollment
Enrollment in high schools of admitted candidates is carried out, according to a schedule displayed by the educational institution, based on the following documents:
application for registration;
identity document (if applicable) and birth certificate, in legalized copy;
certificate attesting their National Assessment test scores;
the transcript for grades 5th and 8th (with the calculation of the general average);
medical records.
Candidates who do not submit their application files according to the schedule displayed by the educational unit are considered withdrawn.
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
The child has studied abroad and wants to continue their studies in Romania
In Romania, education is compulsory during elementary, middle and high school (from the preparatory class up to and including the 12th grade).
Children who have been to school in another country can be registered as a students in Romania only after the Ministry of Education has equated the studies they took abroad and, as the case may be, after passing some equivalency exam.
Children will be enrolled as audient students until the procedure of equivalence for their previous studies is completed, regardless of when their parents, guardians or legal representatives request for them to be enrolled. Audient students are enrolled in a provisional catalog until their previous studies are recognized (if necessary, also by undertaking distinction exams and other compensatory measures).
Audient students have the following rights:
the right to participate in classes and extracurricular activities organized by the school or by the children's palaces or clubs;
the right for schooling in complex hospital-type medical assistance units, in accordance with the legal provisions, for pupils who cannot be moved due to a disability, respectively for pupils who suffer from chronic diseases or who have conditions for which they are hospitalized for a longer period than 4 weeks old;
the right to benefit from discounts for local public transport (surface, naval and underground), as well as for the national car, rail, naval and river transport, throughout the calendar year, similar to enrolled students;
the right to the allocation of basic food to all children in primary and secondary education granted through the ongoing social programs.
The equivalency file (application and supporting documents) can be submitted to the County or Municipal School Inspectorate where you live or directly to the school the child is attending as an audient student. You can consult the list of all School Inspectorates in Romania here.
What documents do I need?
The equivalency file must include the following documents:
standard application form;
school documents from the country where he/she studied, showing the level, duration and succesful completion of the class or classes for which equivalence is requested - copies and authorized translations;
if the child has previously studied in Romania, transcript for the classes attended in Romania - original;
valid identification document of the student - copy;
other documents, if applicable (e.g. certificate issued by the competent authority of the country where he/she studied confirming the authenticity of the study documents).
ATTENTION! For documents that are written in languages other than Romanian, you will most likely be asked to translate them, especially if they are written in an alphabet other than Latin.
University education
I am a Romanian citizen
Higher education institutions organize an admissions process for each cycle of university studies (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD etc.). Each university has its own rules regarding admission (for example, whether it is based on grades or an exam, what are the required documents, etc.). You can consult the lists of universities in Romania:
Language skills
If you wish to enroll in study programs in a language other than Romanian, your admission depends on passing a language test. You do not need to take the test if you come from a country where the official language is also the language in which the university courses will be taught and if you can prove, with school documents, that you attended the courses in that language.
Academic documents
ATTENTION! Only graduates with academic documents (high school diploma, bachelor's or master's degree) obtained in Romania or equivalent, regardless of the year of high school graduation, are eligible to participate in the university admission competition for undergraduate studies.
If you have a foreign baccalaureate diploma, you can have it recognized and equated at the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) within the Ministry of Education. Following the assessment, CNRED can automatically recognize your level or field of study or require you to take equivalency exams or other compensatory measures. The general term for recognition of foreign academic records is 30 days, which may be extended if additional checks are necessary. Learn how you can equate your diploma here.
A candidate can be admitted and enrolled as a student in up to two study programs at the same time, regardless of the study level and the educational institutions offering them. For example, you can be enrolled in two bachelor’s programs at the same time, or in a bachelor’s and a master's program.
A candidate declared admitted may receive funding from the state budget for a single bachelor's program, one master's program and one doctoral program, in accordance with the current legal provisions.
I am a citizen of an EU or EEA member state
Citizens of European Union member states, countries belonging to the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation can participate in admissions for all levels of university studies, under the same conditions provided by law for Romanian citizens, including tuition fees.
Higher education institutions organize an admissions competition for each cycle of university studies. Each university has its own rules regarding admission (for example, whether it is based on grades or an exam, required documents, etc.). You can consult the lists of universities in Romania:
Linguistic skills
ATTENTION! The preparatory year of Romanian language is mandatory for students who want to study in Romanian and do not have a language skills certificate in this regard. During this one-year academic program, international students will acquire the necessary skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking in Romanian for academic purposes, as well as specific knowledge related to their future field of study.
Here you can consult the list of universities that offer the preparatory year for the Romanian language.
If you wish to enroll in study programs in a language other than Romanian, your admission depends on passing a language test. You do not need to take the test if you come from a country where its official language is also the language in which the university courses will be taught and if you can prove, with school documents, that you attended the courses in that language.
Academic documents
ATTENTION! Only graduates with a baccalaureate degree obtained in Romania or its equivalent, regardless of the year of high school graduation, have the right to participate in the admission competition for undergraduate university studies.
If you have studied in another country, you can request the recognition of your academic documents at the National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) within the Ministry of Education. Following the assessment, CNRED can automatically recognize your level or field of study or require you to take equivalency exams or other compensatory measures. The general term for recognition of foreign academic records is 30 days, which may be extended if additional checks are necessary. Learn how you can equate your diploma here.
A candidate can be admitted and enrolled as a student in up to two study programs at the same time, regardless of the study level and the educational institutions offering them. For example, you can be enrolled in two bachelor’s programs at the same time, or in a bachelor’s and a master's program.
A candidate declared admitted may receive funding from the state budget for a single bachelor's program, one master's program and one doctoral program, in accordance with the current legal provisions.
I am a Ukrainian citizen
If you are a student from Ukraine and you have come to Romania, you can enroll in Romanian universities at any time, without being conditioned by previously obtained diplomas and study documents. Learn more from here about the support measures adopted by the Romanian state for students from Ukraine.
Each university has its own rules regarding admission (for example, whether it is based on grades or an exam, required documents, etc.). You can consult the lists of universities in Romania:
According to the law, students who do not have documents issued by the higher education institution they attended in Ukraine can enroll in Romanian universities following an evaluation, based on criteria developed by each university.
Based on this assessment, Romanian universities can decide on the recognition and granting of transferable study credits. Before completing their studies, Ukrainian students will have to present the diplomas to the Romanian higher education institution that allowed them access to the study cycle in which they were enrolled.
Academic mobility for citizens outside the European Union who come from higher education institutions in Ukraine is initiated by the student, with the consent of the host institution.
Under this measure, only Ukrainian citizens can benefit from state budget funding.
You can enroll as a student in bachelor's, master's or doctorate programs, at Romanian universities even without prior academic records, on state-funded positions by the Ministry of Education.
Contact the specific university you are interested in for the recognition of your incomplete study period towards obtaining a diploma;
Contact CNRED, for the recognition of baccalaureate, vocational school, post-secondary, bachelor's, master's or doctorate diplomas;
A candidate can be admitted and enrolled as a student in up to two study programs at the same time, regardless of the study level and the educational institutions offering them. For example, you can be enrolled in two bachelor’s programs at the same time, or in a bachelor’s and a master's program.A candidate can be admitted and enrolled as a student in up to two study programs at the same time, regardless of the study level and the educational institutions offering them. For example, you can study at two faculties at the same time, or at a faculty and a master's program.
A candidate declared admitted may receive funding from the state budget for a single bachelor's program, one master's program and one doctoral program, in accordance with the current legal provisions.
I am a citizen of another country
Higher education institutions organize an admissions competition for each cycle of university studies. Each university has its own rules regarding admission (for example, whether it is based on grades or an exam, required documents, etc.). You can consult the lists of universities in Romania:
ATTENTION! The preparatory year of Romanian language is mandatory for students who want to study in Romanian and do not have a language skills certificate in this regard. During this one-year academic program, international students will acquire the necessary skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking in Romanian for academic purposes, as well as specific knowledge related to their future field of study.
Here you can consult the list of universities that offer the preparatory year for the Romanian language.
If you wish to enroll in study programs in a language other than Romanian, your admission depends on passing a language test. You do not need to take the test if you come from a country where its official language is also the language in which the university courses will be taught and if you can prove, with school documents, that you attended the courses in that language.
A candidate can be admitted and enrolled as a student in up to two study programs at the same time, regardless of the study level and the educational institutions offering them. For example, you can be enrolled in two bachelor’s programs at the same time, or in a bachelor’s and a master's program.
A candidate declared admitted may receive funding from the state budget for a single bachelor's program, one master's program and one doctoral program, in accordance with the current legal provisions.
Students' rights and obligations
I am interested in my rights
Educational rights
free access to education: you have the right to free state education at elementary, secondary and high school level. This right cannot be restricted by the imposition of taxes.
the right to a quality education, through the correct implementation of the educational framework plans, the completion of school programs in their entity, and through the use, by the teaching staff, of the most appropriate didactic strategies, in order to train and develop key competencies and achieving established educational objectives.
A quality education involves the use of teaching methods adapted to the specific needs of students and the use of efficient and up-to-date resources.
the right to study an international language, in a bilingual setting: depending on the educational institution you are enrolled in, this international language can be English, French, German, etc.
the right to non-discrimination
No form of discrimination is accepted, whether it starts from the way you dress, your academic path or your background, from anyone within the educational institution (management, teaching staff, non-teaching staff).
the right to personal property
Has your phone been taken away because you brought it to school? Don't forget your rights in this situation. Personal belongings that do not compromise personal safety or that of other persons in the educational institution cannot be confiscated or withheld without a well-founded reason, nor as a form of punishment. Items considered dangerous may include, for example, weapons or firearms, or drugs.
the right to participate in school competitions, Olympiads and other extracurricular activities
You can participate in competitions and extracurricular activities entirely of your own initiative, without any discrimination and without being coerced in any way by the teaching staff or the school’s administration. Your grade and average grade in a particular subject cannot be conditioned or influenced by your participation in school competitions.
the right to intellectual property
Your work belongs to you. If you have conducted research and development activities, artistic creation or innovation activities, the results belong to you, and the teacher has no right to take credit for your work or present the result of this work without giving you credit.
the right to receive grades within a maximum of 15 days
You have the right to receive the results of the written assessments within a maximum of 15 working days. This is a right often violated, through unjustified delays. Remember that test you took 2 months ago and still haven’t received a grade for? Do not forget that it is your right to receive that grade and as you can see, there is also an estimated timeframe for it.
Take a look at the Student Status whenever you are unsure about your rights as a student.
Association and expression rights
freedom of expression
You have the right to reply and express your opinion, and teachers cannot restrict it. No, it's not impolite or mean to speak your mind, or to demand your rights in front of the teacher. The student-teacher relationship must be based on mutual respect and the desire to collaborate.
These rights are regulated in art. 8 in the Student Statute. Among the main rights in this category we mention the following:
the right to form, join and participate in groups, organizations, structures or movements that promote students’ interests;
the right to protest, for high school students, outside of class hours;
the right to participate in the meetings of the Student Council;
the right to be elected and to elect representatives, without any limitation or influence from teaching or administrative staff;
the right to publish magazines, newspapers, brochures and other informative materials, as well as to distribute them to the students of the pre-university education unit, without the obligation of the education unit to publish the materials. It is forbidden to publish and distribute materials that threaten national security, constitute xenophobic, derogatory or discriminatory attacks.
the Right to request a change of teacher. If you are a student in higher secondary education (grades IX-XII in high school, regardless of vocational or technological profile), you have the right to request a change of teacher for your class. You need to make this request through a written application to the school administration, presenting the reasons for your action and obtaining the support of two-thirds of the total number of students in the class.
Take a look at the Student Statute whenever you are unsure about your rights as a student.
Social rights
the right to travel at reduced fares
As a student, you have the right to benefit from a 50% reduced rate for local public transport throughout the calendar year.
You benefit from free local public transport if:
You are an orphan (with either one or both parents deceased);
You are a student with special educational requirements;
You benefit from a special protection or guardianship measure.
The right to reimbursement of transportation expenses
If you can’t attend school in your hometown (place of residence), you have the right to have your transportation expenses reimbursed on a subscription basis. This may apply to you, for example, if there is no elementary school or high school in the locality where you live and you have to commute to the nearest town.
The right to receive scholarships
You are entitled to social, study and merit, performance scholarships, as well as social and financial aid in various forms, in accordance with the current legal provisions. The general criteria for granting scholarships are approved by order of the Minister of Education.
The right to go to camp
You have the right to benefit from places in camps and in summer or winter schools, under the conditions established by the competent authorities.
The right to receive material incentives
If you have academic achievements or outstanding results in your education and professional training or in cultural and sports activities, you have the right to receive awards, scholarships, and other material incentives provided by the state.
The right to reduced fees for culture and sports events
You can benefit from a 75% discount on tickets for access to museums, concerts, theater, opera, film and other cultural and sporting events organized by public institutions, according to the law.
Take a look at the Student Statute whenever you are unsure about your rights as a student.
Other rights
The right to access the school premises
You have the right to enter the school premises without limitations and conditions, respecting the operating schedule and within the boundaries of the law. Access cannot be restricted, for example, on the grounds of not wearing your school uniform.
The right to receive academic documents
You have the right to access free of charge school documents and records, in accordance with the law. Schools will issue the requested documents, such as the student card, student certificates, etc.
The right to receive responses to requests for public information
The right to have all written and signed requests recorded, in accordance with the law
The right to have teachers appointed in a non-discriminatory manner
Take a look at the Student Statute whenever you are unsure about your rights as a student.
I am interested in my duties:
Attendance of all classes
As a student, you have the obligation to attend the classes in the school curriculum. Otherwise, your absence will be marked. Attendance in classes, including online, is mandatory, not optional. To participate in online classes, you must log in to the platform provided and attend the class, even if you do not have the camera on.
Preparation for each study subject
Simply attending classes is not enough. Make sure you attend classes prepared and eager to learn. You have a duty to acquire the skills and the knowledge provided by the school curricula.
The obligation to respect school regulations and decisions
Make sure you are aware of the regulations and decisions of the educational institution you attend as a student, to avoid potential violations. Lack of awareness does not exempt you from potential sanctions. You also have the obligation to know the provisions of the Student Statutue and the Organization and Operation Regulations of the school you attend.
The obligation to support the student representatives’ activities
Make sure you provide relevant information about issues encountered or discovered in your school activities, whether they concern teachers or your fellow students.
Presentation of the student ID card
You are obliged to present your student ID card for the recording of grades whenever requested. If you happen to forget your ID card at home or don't have it with you due to reasons beyond your control, make sure you inform the teacher about this at the beginning of the assessment to avoid later disputes regarding your presumed intention not to have the grade recorded in the ID card.
The obligation to use school textbooks
The school textbooks received free of charge are your responsibility and must be used with care so they can be returned in good condition at the end of the school year. You are responsible for how they have been used and their condition at the end.
The obligation to respect the school community and property
Respect your fellow students and teachers, show understanding and tolerance towards the entire school community. Respect the space where you learn, the cleanliness, quietness and order. Treat the person next to you as you would like to be treated and take care of your school, you will return there tomorrow. Last but not least, you have the obligation to use appropriately, according to their intended purpose, all school facilities which you have access to.
The obligation to pay compensation
If you have damaged the blackboard or other school property, you will have to pay for it. It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or not, you have the obligation to bear the cost of any damages caused to the material resources provided by the educational institution
The obligation to report
Not only do you have the right to report any irregularity, you also have the obligation to do so. If you have noticed an activity or situation that could negatively impact the conduct of educational activities, you are obligated to inform the relevant authorities. Have the courage to speak up about your concerns.
Take a look at the Student Statute whenever you are unsure about your rights as a student.
I am interested to find out about sanctions
The failure to comply with student obligations may result in sanctions. It is good to be informed about the following aspects:
Students cannot be subject to collective sanctions.
The pre-university educational institution or the teaching staff cannot impose collective sanctions. Any student can be sanctioned only for his own fault.
Being marked as absent in the catalog is not a sanction. You cannot be marked as absent for failing to fulfill one of your obligations, as long as you are present in class.
Sanctioning the student in the form of physical aggression of any kind is prohibited.
You have the right to defend yourself.
What sanctions can be applied to me?
Individual observation;
Written reprimand;
Temporary or permanent withdrawal of the merit scholarship, the social scholarship, high school money aid, the professional scholarship;
Disciplinary transfer to a parallel class in the same educational unit;
Notice of expulsion;
Take a look at the Student Statute whenever you are unsure about your rights and obligations as a student.
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Learn more about the education initiative started by Code for Romania, which aims to improve the educational system in Romania.