Residence Permit in Romania (for foreign citizens)
The residence permit is an official document issued by the Romanian state, confirming the right of a foreign citizen to reside and engage in certain activities within the territory of Romania for a specified period. The duration may depend on the purpose of the stay in Romania (e.g., studies, work, family) and the type of residence permit obtained.
Next, we will go through the main types of residence permits in Romania, as well as the conditions you need to meet to obtain them.
Attention! We will provide information only about obtaining the residence permit, not the entry visa for Romania.
Temporary stay
I am a citizen of the European Union or the European Economic Area
If you are a citizen of a European Union state, the European Economic Area, or the Swiss Confederation, and you wish to stay in Romania for more than 3 months, you must register your residence with the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
The registration certificate is issued on the same day and is valid for a period of up to 5 years, but not less than one year. The residence card is issued within 90 days from the date of application submission.
You can learn more about the procedure you need to follow on the website of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.
📌 What documents do I need?
The documents required by the General Inspectorate for Immigration vary depending on the purpose of your stay in Romania. The list of activities provided is not exhaustive. EU/EEA citizens engaged in other activities in Romania, in accordance with the law, can also be registered.
ID card/passport (original and copy);
Employment contract (original and copy) or a certificate issued by the employer (original);
A "print screen" from the General Registry of Employees (REVISAL), showing data related to the employment contract, stamped and signed by the employer to confirm the document's authenticity.
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Secondment contract, translated and legalized as per the law, and an address of secondment from the Romanian branch/company confirming your secondment for the specified period in the secondment contract.
Commercial Activities:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Extract from the National Trade Register Office (ONRC), proving that you conduct commercial activities according to the law.
Economic Activities:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Proof that the applicant can engage in economic activity - Extract from the National Trade Register Office (original and copy).
Professional Activities:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Proof that the applicant can engage in professional activity – authorization or approval (original and copy) issued according to special laws.
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Volunteer contract (original and copy) concluded with the hosting organization, following special legal provisions.
Humanitarian Activities:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Approval from the Interdepartmental Commission for coordinating and supporting humanitarian activities within the Ministry of Public Health (original and copy);
Letter from the hosting organization.
Religious Activities:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Approval from the State Secretariat for Cults (original and copy);
Letter from the hosting organization confirming the person's involvement in religious activities if the approval does not specify this.
Residence Based on Means of Support:
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Health insurance proof – except for those who are insured without paying contributions according to Law no. 95/2006, Article 213, with subsequent amendments and completions.
ID card or passport (original and copy);
Documents proving enrollment in an accredited educational institution;
Proof of means of support;
Health insurance proof unless you fall under Article 213 (1) lit. a) of Law no. 95/2006, i.e., if you are a student under the age of 26 and do not earn income from work.
Digital Nomad:
Original employment contract with a company registered outside Romania, demonstrating the provision of distance services through information and communication technology, accompanied by authenticated translation into Romanian, or proof of owning a company registered outside Romania for at least three years before the visa application date, managed remotely through information and communication technology;
Original document, along with authenticated translation into Romanian, issued by the company registered outside Romania with which a labor contract is concluded or by the company registered outside Romania that you own, presenting all identification and contact details of the company, its field of activity, your role in the company, as well as information about the company's legal representatives;
Proof of earning an income at least three times the average gross monthly salary for the period for which the residence right extension is requested;
Legal proof of housing ownership;
Border crossing document;
Health insurance covering all risks usually covered for Romanian citizens;
You can find more about the required documents on the General Inspectorate for Immigration's website here or here.
I am a citizen of another state
Asylum, refugees, temporary protection
I am an asylum seeker
You are an asylum seeker if you have sought the protection of the Romanian state due to acts of persecution, human rights violations, or armed conflict in your country of origin, and the asylum procedure for you has not been concluded. Asylum applications are processed only at the regional centers for asylum procedures and accommodation in Bucharest, Giurgiu, Galați, Rădăuți, Șomcuta Mare, and Timișoara. Learn more about the asylum procedure here.
The temporary identity document certifies your identity, the right to stay on the territory of Romania as an asylum seeker, and your residence. Throughout the asylum procedure, the validity of the document will be periodically extended based on the stage of the procedure.
The temporary identity document that will be issued for you will look like this model:
📌 How do I obtain the temporary identity document?
To obtain the temporary identity document, you must personally submit an application at the counter of the competent structure within the Asylum and Integration Directorate of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI).
Learn more about the procedure you need to follow on the General Inspectorate for Immigration's website.
📌 What documents do I need?
To issue the temporary identity document, you will need to provide the following documents:
Proof of your residence (where you live), if you do not reside in one of the Regional Centers for Asylum Procedures and Accommodation under IGI;
Your passport or another identification document that includes your photograph. Even if you do not possess any of these documents, a temporary identity document will be issued to you, indicating "declared identity."
To benefit from the rights provided by law, you will be assigned a Personal Numeric Code (CNP) which will be recorded in the temporary identity document. The Personal Numeric Code is assigned immediately upon the registration of the asylum application in the database, based on your residence.
I am a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection
You are a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection if this status has been granted to you by the Romanian state following the asylum procedure. The residence permit that will be issued to you will look like this model:
Subsidiary protection:
Residence permits are issued for:
a period of 3 years for individuals granted refugee status;
a period of 2 years for individuals granted subsidiary protection.
After expiration, a new residence permit with the same validity will be issued.
📌 How to obtain the residence permit?
To obtain the residence permit, you must go to the office of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you have residence. You can find the complete list of county offices of the General Inspectorate for Immigration here. You need to go to submit the application personally.
IGI will also require proof of your residence in Romania, which can be a property title, a lease contract registered with ANAF, a loan contract notarized, or similar documents.
No fees are charged for issuing the residence permit. The residence permit can be collected from the territorial unit of the General Inspectorate for Immigration where the application was submitted or can be sent, by courier services, to your residence at your expense.
I am a beneficiary of temporary protection
Temporary protection is an exceptional measure of the European Union aimed at providing immediate and temporary protection to individuals fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. You can learn more about your rights as a beneficiary of temporary protection here.
The residence permit that will be issued to you will look like this model:
Temporary protection lasts until March 4, 2025. This period may be extended for another year or, on the contrary, shortened, depending on the decision of the Council of the European Union and the evolving situation in Ukraine.
📌 How to obtain the residence permit?
You will receive the residence permit upon registering as a beneficiary of temporary protection in Romania. You can register at the Immigration Office / Regional Center for Asylum Procedures and Accommodation in the county where you are located.
📌 What documents do I need?
To register as a beneficiary of temporary protection, you will need to provide the following documents:
Your identification document - ID card, passport, biometric passport, driver's license, or any other authentic document that includes your photograph;
If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, documents proving your status in Ukraine (e.g., permanent residence permit, document issued to beneficiaries of a form of international protection) or documents proving your family connection to a Ukrainian citizen (e.g., family card, birth certificate, marriage certificate).
At the time of presentation to the authorities, you will go through the following steps:
Sign a consent regarding the processing of your personal data.
Copies of your presented personal documents are made.
Your personal documents are verified.
You are photographed.
The following information is recorded: name, date of birth, citizenship, gender, identity, marital status, family situation, family ties, address in Romania (if known).
You receive a residence permit in Romania with a personal numeric code (CNP).
You can find more about the procedure you need to follow here.
Work-related stay
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a single permit or the EU Blue Card.
Single Permit (for permanent workers)
The single permit is a residence document that certifies your right to reside and work in Romania based on a work permit for permanent workers. It looks like the following model:
📌 How to obtain the single permit?
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the initial single permit for employment, you must submit the following documents:
Original and copy of the border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.);
Proof of legal residence (original and copy);
Print screen from the General Registry of Employee Records (REVISAL) section containing information about the individual employment contract, signed by the employer;
The single permit must be renewed at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one. For the subsequent extension of the residence right (obtaining a new single permit), you need to submit the following documents:
Original and copy of the border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.);
Proof of legal residence (original and copy);
The application for granting or extending the residence right for employment/detachment will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission. If additional verifications are required, the processing time can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow on the IGI website. You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
EU Blue Card (for highly qualified workers)
The EU Blue Card is issued to foreign citizens employed based on a work permit for highly qualified workers and who conclude local employment contracts for a minimum period of 1 year. It looks like the following model:
📌 How to obtain the EU Blue Card?
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the initial single permit or the EU Blue Card for employment, you need to submit the following documents:
Original and copy of the border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.);
Proof of legal residence (original and copy);
The application for granting or extending the residence right for employment/detachment will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission. If additional verifications are required, the processing time can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
The application for extending the residence right submitted by the holder of the EU Blue Card obtained in another member state will be processed within 15 days from the date of receiving the application.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow on the IGI website.
Other situations
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in Romania.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
The documents you will be asked for depend on your specific situation:
Posted worker:
a) application;
b) border crossing document (original and copy);
c) the secondment decision translated and legalized;
d) proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and copy);
e) proof of income at least at the level of the average gross salary for the economy;
f) proof of social health insurance;
h) taxes.
Employee of a legal entity based in a EU Member State or the European Economic Area, posted to Romania
a) applicationb) border crossing document (original and copy);
c) the secondment decision translated and legalized;
d) copy of the individual employment contract, registered with the competent authorities of the respective Member State, translated and legalized;
e) copy of the residence permit from the EU or EEA Member State;
f) proof of legal ownership of the living space (original and copy);
g) proof of income at least at the level of the average gross salary for the economy;
h) proof of social health insurance;
j) taxes.
Head of representation
a) application;
b) operating authorization;
c) proof of legal relationships between the applicant and the representation;
d) proof of legal ownership of the space for the headquarters;
e) proof of means of subsistence;
g) proof of legal ownership of the living space;
h) proof of social health insurance;
i) taxes.
Branch or subsidiary manager:
a) application;
b) certificate issued by the Trade Register Office;
c) proof of legal relationships between you and the representation;
d) proof of legal ownership of the space for the headquarters;
f) proof of means of subsistence;
g) proof of legal residence (original and copy);
h) proof of social health insurance;
i) taxes.
The application for granting or extending the right of residence for employment/secondment will be resolved within 30 days from the date of submission. In case additional checks are required, the processing period may be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
Study-related stay
I am a high school student, college student, master's student, or Phd student
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
Letter of acceptance for studies – required only for the first extension of the residence permit;
Certificate issued by the educational institution proving enrollment in studies at a state or private educational institution, accredited or temporarily authorized according to the law, full-time education, including participation in doctoral courses, based on the approval of the relevant ministry;
Proof of means of financial support, at least the gross minimum wage guaranteed by the country for a period of at least 6 months;
Proof of legal residence (original and copy);
Fees. Residence permits for Romanian state scholarship holders are granted with an exemption from paying fees.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
The application for granting or extending the right of residence will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission. In cases where additional verifications are required, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
There are also some exceptional situations:
If you are a Romanian state scholarship holder, you are exempt from paying consular fees, residence permit fees, and do not need to prove means of financial support.
You do not need to prove means of financial support if you are a foreign citizen of Romanian ethnicity (you have an ancestor who had or has Romanian citizenship).
If you are over 26 years old, you must have health insurance.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
The application for granting or extending the residence right will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission. If additional verifications are required, the processing time can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
I am participating in an educational exchange program
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
Certificate issued by the educational institution;
documents indicating that the foreigner is participating in a student exchange program conducted by an institution established in accordance with the law and recognized for this purpose;
documents showing that the organization is established and recognized, in accordance with the law;
certificate from the organization conducting the student exchange;
Proof of legal residence (original and copy);
There are also some exceptional situations:
If you are a Romanian state scholarship holder, you are exempt from paying consular fees, residence permit fees, and you do not need to prove means of support.
You do not need to prove means of financial support if you are a foreign citizen of Romanian ethnicity (having an ancestor who has or had Romanian citizenship).
If you are over 26 years old, you must have health insurance.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
The application for granting or extending the residence right for employment/detachment will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission. If additional verifications are required, the processing time can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
Family member of a Romanian citizen or a foreign citizen residing in Romania
Family member of a Romanian citizen
I am married with a Romanian citizen
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
Attention! A residence permit is not granted when the following is identified:
The existence of bigamy or polygamy (i.e., one of you is married multiple times).
You and your spouse no longer maintain a conjugal or effective family relationship together in Romania (for example, you no longer live together for reasons that are not objective).
You can find more information about the conditions you need to meet to get married in Romania here.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
The ID document of your spouse, a Romanian citizen;
The marriage certificate issued by Romanian authorities. In case you got married abroad, the certificate must be transcribed at the Civil Status Offices in Romania;
A written declaration stating that you are not married;
Proof of legal ownership of the living space at the address at which you declare that you reside on the territory of Romania in original and copy;
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a Romanian citizen, the processing time is up to 90 days initially, and for subsequent renewals, it is 30 days. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
I live with a Romanian citizen
You can ask for a residence permit if you live with a Romanian citizen, only if you have a child together and neither of you is married to someone else.
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
Attention! The residence permit is not granted when it is established that the foreign citizen recognized the filiation of a Romanian child exclusively for the purpose of obtaining the right of residence.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
The ID document of your spouse, a Romanian citizen;
the child’s birth certificate, a Romanian citizen, resulting from cohabitation between the applicant and the Romanian citizen;
the declaration of the Romanian citizen from which it appears that you cohabit (live together);
Proof of legal ownership of the living space at the address at which you declare that you reside on the territory of Romania in original and copy;
A document stating that you and your partner are not married;
proof of social health insurance;
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a Romanian citizen, the processing time is up to 90 days initially, and for subsequent renewals, it is 30 days. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
I am the child of a Romanian citizen or of their spouse
You can apply for a residence permit if you are the child of a Romanian citizen or their spouse, as long as you live together with them and you are in one of the following situations:
You are under 21 years old;
You are between 21 and 26 years old but enrolled in studies in Romania;
You are an adult but cannot support yourself due to medical reasons.
It doesn't matter if you are their natural or adopted child; Romanian law does not make a distinction between these two categories.
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Your travel document (passport, travel document, etc.), in original and copy;
Identity document of the Romanian citizen;
Birth certificate or other documents proving the family relationship issued by the competent authorities, translated and super-legalized or apostilled, in original and copy;
Declaration of the Romanian citizen indicating that you live together;
Proof of legal possession of the dwelling at the declared residence address in Romania, in original and copy.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a Romanian citizen, the processing time is up to 90 days initially, and for subsequent renewals, it is 30 days. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
I am the parent of a Romanian citizen or of their spouse
You can apply for a residence permit if you are the parent of a Romanian citizen, based on documents proving your family relationship. If your child, the Romanian citizen, is a minor, you will also need to demonstrate that they are under your care or that you regularly fulfill your obligation to pay maintenance.
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
Pentru obținerea permisului trebuie să prezinți următoarele documente:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
The ID document of your spouse, a Romanian citizen;
documents proving the family relationship issued by the competent authorities, translated, and either legalized or apostilled – copy and original;
in the case where the foreigner is the parent of a minor Romanian citizen, you must provide evidence that the minor is under your care or that there is an obligation to pay maintenance, an obligation you fulfill regularly;
proof of legal residence at the declared address;
proof of social health insurance;
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a Romanian citizen, the processing time is up to 90 days initially, and for subsequent renewals, it is 30 days. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
Family member of a foreign citizen resident in Romania
I am married with a foreign citizen resident in Romania
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country.
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
Attention! A residence permit is not granted when the following is identified:
The existence of bigamy or polygamy (i.e., one of you is married multiple times).
You and your spouse no longer maintain a conjugal or effective family relationship together in Romania (for example, you no longer live together for reasons that are not objective).
You can find more information about the conditions you need to meet to get married in Romania here.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
The marriage certificate issued by Romanian authorities. In case you got married abroad, the certificate must be transcribed at the Civil Status Offices in Romania;
Written declaration from the spouse or other documents proving that there is no bigamy or poligamy;
Written declaration from the spouse indicating that you will actually reside together;
Proof of legal ownership of the living space;
proof of means of financial support. If your spouse has the status of fa refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection in Romania, you do not need to provide proof of means of support;
proof of social health insurance;
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a non UE/SEE citizen, the processing time is up to 30 days starting with the date of submitting. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
I have another relationship with a foreign citizen resident in Romania
After entering Romania, you need to obtain a document that certifies your right of residence in the country. From an administrative perspective, your family member, a foreign citizen with residence in Romania, will be referred to as the "sponsor."
You can obtain the document from the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside.
You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the Portal IGI platform.
📌 What documents do I need?
To obtain the residence permit, you need to submit the following documents:
Border crossing document (passport, travel document, etc.) original and copy;
birth certificate or other documents proving the family relationship issued by the competent authorities, in original and copy. If these are issued by a state other than Romania, the documents must also be translated and/or legalized/apostilled, as applicable;
written declaration from the sponsor indicating that you will be living together;
if applicable, written declaration from the person who shares joint custody with the sponsor of the minor child for whom family reunification is requested, consenting to their residence with the sponsor in Romania;
copy of the document certifying the right of residence in Romania;
statement in authentic form/document issued by a medical institution;
proof of legal ownership of the living space - original and copy;
proof of means of financial support. If your sponsor has the status of a refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection in Romania you do not need to prove means of support;
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
For obtaining the temporary residence permit as a family member of a non UE/SEE citizen, the processing time is up to 30 days starting with the date of submitting. In cases where additional verifications are necessary, the processing period can be extended by a maximum of 15 days.
You must submit the renewal application for the residence permit at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous one.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow and the required documents on the IGI website.
Long term stay
According to the law, the right of long-term residence is granted, upon request, for an indefinite period to foreigners who, at the time of the resolution of the application, hold a temporary residence right or benefit from international protection (refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection) in Romania.
You CANNOT obtain the right of long-term residence if you fall into one of the following categories:
You are a holder of a residence right for the purpose of studies in Romania. Therefore, you cannot apply for long-term residence while you are a student. However, if you decide to do so after changing your purpose of stay in Romania, half of the period of stay for study purposes is taken into account in calculating the total period of stay in Romania.
You are a beneficiary of temporary protection in Romania.
You are an asylum seeker.
You are a holder of the temporary residence right conferred by a short-stay visa, diplomatic or service visa.
You are a holder of a residence right obtained for carrying out activities as a seasonal worker or au pair.
I am a refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection
You are a refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection if this status has been granted to you by the Romanian state following the asylum procedure. The residence permit that will be issued to you will look like this model:
Subsidiary protection:
To obtain the long-term residence right, you must have had continuous stay on the territory of Romania for the last 4 years.
Stay is considered continuous when:
You have not been absent from the territory of Romania for more than 6 consecutive months or more than 10 months in total;
No measure of removal from the national territory has been taken against you (you have not been returned to your country of origin due to exceeding your legal stay or for other reasons).
The first step to establish your domicile in Romania is to obtain the long-term residence right. In this regard, you need to submit the following documents:
Passport or travel document copy and original;
Proof of housing (copy and original);
Proof of social health insurance;
Proof of means of financial support;
Criminal record certificate issued by Romanian authorities. You can obtain the criminal record certificate from any police unit with a criminal record office or online, from www.ghiseul.ro. The certificate is issued within 3 days of the request and is valid for 6 months;
Civil status documents (if applicable).
Once you are granted the long-term residence right, you need to submit the following documents:
Passport or travel document, original and copy;
Proof of housing, original and copy;
Translated and apostilled/supralegalized birth certificate (depending on the issuing state of the document);
Authenticated consent of the parent without the long-term residence right in Romania, if applicable.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
The long-term residence permit is valid for 10 years if you are a family member of a Romanian citizen and for 5 years if you have regulated residence in Romania for other purposes as provided by law.
To obtain the right and subsequently the long-term residence permit, you must contact the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside. You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the IGI Portal.
Learn more about the procedure you need to follow on the General Inspectorate for Immigration website or from this guide prepared by the Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR), specifically for refugees benefiting from subsidiary protection who wish to obtain long-term residence or Romanian citizenship.
I have another eligible status for obtaining the right of long-term residence
In order to obtain the right of long-term residence, you must have had a continuous stay on the territory of Romania in the last 5 years.
Stay is considered continuous when:
You have not been absent from the territory of Romania for more than 6 consecutive months or more than 10 months in total;
No measure of removal from the national territory has been taken against you (you have not been returned to your country of origin due to exceeding your legal stay or for other reasons).
The first step to establish your domicile in Romania is to obtain the long-term residence right. In this regard, you need to submit the following documents:
Passport or travel document copy and original;
Proof of housing (copy and original);
Proof of social health insurance;
Proof of means of financial support;
Criminal record certificate issued by Romanian authorities. You can obtain the criminal record certificate from any police unit with a criminal record office or online, from www.ghiseul.ro. The certificate is issued within 3 days of the request and is valid for 6 months;
Civil status documents (if applicable).
Once you are granted the long-term residence right, you need to submit the following documents:
Passport or travel document, original and copy;
Proof of housing, original and copy;
Translated and apostilled/supralegalized birth certificate (depending on the issuing state of the document);
Authenticated consent of the parent without the long-term residence right in Romania, if applicable.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where documents proving kinship were issued, you will need to follow some additional formalities:
Documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formality.
If the translation into Romanian is done by an authorized translator from one of the states with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements of judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The states with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may be required
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may be required
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the Macau and Hong Kong provinces, where apostille is required
The multilingual extract of birth issued under the International Commission on Civil Status Convention No. 16 regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
In the case of documents issued by other states, the document will need to be apostilled or super-legalized.
The long-term residence permit is valid for 10 years if you are a family member of a Romanian citizen and for 5 years if you have regulated residence in Romania for other purposes as provided by law.
To obtain the right and subsequently the long-term residence permit, you must contact the territorial units of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) in the county where you reside. You can find the list of IGI units nationwide here.
You have the option to submit the documents and schedule an appointment online through the IGI Portal.
You can find more information about the procedure you need to follow on the IGI website.