The birth of a family member is a beautiful moment, but also full of challenges. We are here for you to help you clarify the legal steps you need to follow in order to register the birth of your child, as well as the types of support you can access.
What do you want to know more about?
The medical certificate confirming the birth
I gave birth in a hospital / clinic
I live abroad
The medical birth certificate is a medical document that you will receive from the hospital or clinic where you gave birth.
Attention! This document is a medical one, and does not replace the birth certificate.
The certificate is issued within 24 hours by the doctor who assisted, supervised or monitored the birth, or the chief physician of the obstetrics-gynecology department.
In order to issue the medical certificate confirming the birth, the hospital staff will also ask you for the following documents:
Yours and your partner’s ID cards (as parents);
Marriage certificate (if applicable);
Document proving the home address or residence address.
When issuing the medical certificate confirming the birth, the parents will declare both the domicile (address in the country of origin, as written in the identity document) and the address of residence in Romania (e.g. the apartment, hotel, etc. where they currently live).
There is no need to present additional documents (such as the residence permit or the document certifying the status of beneficiary of temporary protection). The hospital does not check the legality of your stay.
If the documents are in a language other than Romanian, their translation must be legalized. A legalized translation is made by a professional (licensed) translator and has the stamp of a notary public. To obtain a legalized translation, use the services of a notary public office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language in which your documents are written.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I live in Romania
The medical birth certificate is a medical document that you will receive from the hospital or clinic where you gave birth.
Attention! This document is a medical one, and does not replace the birth certificate.
The certificate is issued within 24 hours by the doctor who assisted, supervised or monitored the birth, or the chief physician of the obstetrics-gynecology department.
In order to issue the medical certificate confirming the birth, the hospital staff will also ask you for the following documents:
Yours and your partner’s ID cards (as parents);
Marriage certificate (if applicable);
Document proving the home address or residence address.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I gave birth at home
I live abroad
The medical birth certificate is a medical document that you will receive from the family doctor or a hospital which is near the location where you gave birth.
Attention! This document is a medical one, and does not replace the birth certificate.
In order to issue the medical certificate confirming the birth, the hospital staff will also ask you for the following documents:
Yours and your partner’s ID cards (as parents);
Marriage certificate (if applicable);
Document proving the home address or residence.
When issuing the medical certificate confirming the birth, the parents will declare both the domicile (address in the country of origin, as written in the identity document) and the address of residence in Romania (e.g. the apartment, hotel, etc. where they currently live).
There is no need to present additional documents (such as the residence permit or the document certifying the status of beneficiary of temporary protection). The hospital does not check the legality of your stay in the country.
If the documents are in a language other than Romanian, their translation must be legalized. A legalized translation is made by a professional (licensed) translator and has the stamp of a notary public. To obtain a legalized translation, use the services of a notary public office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language in which your documents are written
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I live in Romania
The medical birth certificate is a medical document that you will receive from the family doctor or a hospital near the location where you gave birth.
Attention! This document is a medical one, and does not replace the birth certificate.
In order to issue the medical certificate confirming the birth, the hospital staff will also ask you for the following documents:
Yours and your partner’s ID cards (as parents);
Marriage certificate (if applicable);
Document proving the home address or residence.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The birth certificate
I am a Romanian citizen
The birth took place in Romania
The partner is a Romanian citizen
We are married
To register the child's birth, the Civil Registration Service of the City Hall will ask you
the following documents:
Yours and your partner’s ID cards (as parents);
The medical certificate confirming the birth which must bear the registration number, date of birth, the seal/stamp of the health unit, the doctor's signature and initials;
Parents' marriage certificate;
A statement where you and your partner (as parents) decide upon your child’s surname, if the two of you do not have the same surname.
If you and your partner got married abroad, the child's birth can be registered only after the marriage certificate is transcribed in Romania. For example, if you got married in Germany, you will need to take the marriage certificate to the Civil Registration Service in the city where you live to have it transcribed. |
Attention! If you and your partner have different surnames, you will declare in writing, in front of the registrar or notary, the surname the child will have. For example, you can decide that the child should bear the last name of one of you, a name composed of your names, etc.
If you and your partner cannot agree on the child's last name, the case will go to the guardianship court (before a judge) who will decide on it. In this case, the birth certificate will be issued only after the court makes a decision regarding the name of the child.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
We are not married
The father acknowledges the child
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born out of wedlock.
To register the birth of the child, the Civil Registration Service of the City Hall will require the following documents:
The mother's birth certificate;
Identity documents of the parents (ID card, passport, etc.);
The medical certificate of birth which must include a registration number, the date of birth, the seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, and the signature and stamp of the doctor;
Acknowledgement of paternity for the child born out of wedlock.. This declaration must be completed by both parents in the presence of a notary or civil registry officer;
Declaration regarding the name the child will bear.
ATTENTION! If you and your partner have different surnames, you will declare in writing, in the presence of the civil registry officer or notary, which surname your child will have. For example, you can decide that the child will bear the surname of one of you, a compound name combining your surnames, etc.
If you fail to reach an agreement regarding your child's surname, the case will be brought before the guardianship court (in front of a judge) who will make a decision in this regard. In this case, the birth certificate will be issued only after the court has reached a decision on the child's surname.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The father does not acknowledge the child
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born out of wedlock.
To register the birth of the child, the Civil Registration Service of the City Hall will require the following documents:
Mother’s birth certificate;
Mother's identity card;
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, the exact date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp.
If the father does not acknowledge the child, his paternity can be established through a court decision. The mother has the right to initiate an action to establish paternity on behalf of the child. The child, upon reaching adulthood, and their heirs can also initiate such an action at any time during the child's life or at the opening of their inheritance.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The partner is a foreign citizen
I want to register the birth at the embassy
The registration of the birth of a foreign citizen child born in Romania may be done at the embassy or consulate of your country of origin, depending on its laws. If your citizenship country does not have an embassy or consulate in Romania, you will need to check which embassy or consulate in the region is responsible for Romania.
You can find the complete list of countries with diplomatic missions in Romania here.
ATTENTION! To ensure the accuracy of the information, we recommend contacting directly the embassy or consulate of your country of origin to confirm the procedure for registering the birth.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I want to register the birth with the Romanian authorities
We are married
A child who has at least one parent who is a Romanian citizen will also acquire Romanian citizenship by birth.
To register the birth of the child, the Civil Registration Service of the City Hall will require the following documents:
ID documents of the parent who is a Romanian citizen (ID card, passport, etc.);
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp;
Romanian marriage certificate of the parents or the foreign marriage certificate of the parents transcribed in the Romanian civil registries;
Declaration indicating the name of the child, if you and your partner do not have the same surname.
Additionally, you will need to present an identity document of the foreign parent as follows:
If you are a citizen of a European Union member state or the Swiss Confederation, you may present your ID card or passport, original and copy;
If you are a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, you must present your passport, both the original and a copy;
If you have a special status in Romania (e.g., recognized as a refugee), you may present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and copy.
If your ID documents are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language of your written document.
If you and your partner got married abroad, the birth of the child can be registered only after the marriage certificate is transcribed in Romania. For example, if you and your spouse got married in Germany, you will need to take the marriage certificate to the Civil Registration Service where you reside, in order for it to be transcribed. |
If one of the parents does not speak Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
We are not married
The father acknowledges the child
A child who has at least one parent who is a Romanian citizen will also acquire Romanian citizenship by birth.
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born out of wedlock.
To register the birth of the child, the Civil Registration Office of the City Hall will require the following documents:
The medical certificate of birth which must include a registration number, the date of birth, the seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, and the signature and stamp of the doctor;
The statement showing the child's name, if you and your partner do not have the same last name;
Acknowledgement of paternity for of the child born out of wedlock.. This declaration must be completed by both parents in the presence of a notary or civil registry officer.
Additionally, you will need to present an identity document of the foreign parent as follows:
If you are a citizen of a European Union member state or the Swiss Confederation, you may present your ID card or passport, original and copy;
If you are a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, you must present your passport, both the original and a copy;
If you have a special status in Romania (e.g., recognized as a refugee), you may present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and copy.
If your identification documents are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specializing in the language of your written document.
ATTENTION! If you and your partner have different surnames, you will declare in writing, in the presence of the civil registry officer or notary, which surname the child will have. For example, you can decide that the child will bear the surname of one of you, a compound name combining your names, etc.
If you fail to reach an agreement regarding the child's surname, the case will be brought before the guardianship court (in front of a judge) who will make a decision in this regard. In this case, the birth certificate will be issued only after the court has reached a decision on the child's surname.
If one of the parents does not speak Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The father does not acknowledge the child
A child who has at least one parent who is a Romanian citizen will also acquire Romanian citizenship by birth. If the father is a Romanian citizen, the child will be recognized as a Romanian citizen only if his paternity is recognized or established.
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born out of wedlock.
To register the birth of the child, the Civil Registration Service of the City Hall will require the following documents:
Mother’s birth certificate;
Mother's identity card;
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp.
If the mother is a foreign citizen, she will need to present identification documents, as follows:
If the mother is a citizen of a European Union member state or the Swiss Confederation, she may present her ID card or passport, both the original and a copy;
If the mother is a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, she must present her passport, both the original and a copy;
If the mother has a special status in Romania (e.g., recognized as a refugee), she may present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and a copy.
If your ID documents are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language of your written document.
If the father does not acknowledge the child, the paternity can be established through a court decision. The mother has the right to initiate legal action to establish paternity on behalf of the child. Upon reaching adulthood, the child and their heirs can also initiate such an action at any time during the child's life or at the opening of their inheritance.
If the mother does not speak Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The birth took place abroad
I want to transcribe the birth certificate at the embassy/consular office of Romania
Your civil status documents, as a Romanian citizen, issued by foreign authorities, have evidentiary power in Romania only if they are transcribed in the Romanian civil registries. As a Romanian citizen you have the obligation to request the transcription of the birth certificate/extract within 6 months from the birth of the child.
The Embassy or Consulate of Romania can transcribe birth certificates issued by foreign authorities if the following conditions are met:
The birth has been previously registered with the authorities of the country where it took place;
The city where the birth took place and was registered falls within the consular jurisdiction of the Romanian diplomatic mission or consular office. For example, if your child was born in Italy, you will not be able to go to the Embassy of Romania in France to transcribe their birth certificate.
The application can be submitted by one of the parents, by the minor who is at least14 years old, assisted by one of the parents, or, if applicable, by the legal guardian. Additionally, you can delegate someone else to transcribe the certificate on your behalf through a power of attorney.
You will need the following original documents:
Birth certificate or extract issued by foreign authorities. Depending on the country that issued the document, it may need to be apostilled, super-legalized, or presented with a legalized translation (certified by a notary);
You and your partner’s (parents’) ID card/passport;
Certificate of acquisition of Romanian citizenship (if applicable);
If you and your partner are married, the Romanian marriage certificate s or the foreign marriage certificate transcribed in the Romanian civil registries;
If you and your partner are not married are not married, your (the parents’) birth certificates;
If you and your partner have different domiciles (live at different addresses), a declaration regarding the child's domicile.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where the birth certificate was issued, there may be additional formalities to consider:
The documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formalities.
If the translation into Romanian is carried out by an authorized translator from one of the countries with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements on judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The countries with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may still be requested
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may still be requested
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the regions of Macau and Hong Kong, where apostille is required
The multilingual birth certificate issued under Convention No. 16 of the International Commission on Civil Status regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
However, for documents issued by other countries, the document will need to be apostilled or legalized.
You can find out more information about the procedure you need to follow, and you can as well schedule your birth certificate transcription here.If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
If the parents have different domiciles, a declaration from the parent regarding the transcription of the birth certificate and the child's domicile.
Declaration from the legal representative (parent, guardian, etc.) stating that the birth certificate has not been previously transcribed or reconstructed.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state where the birth certificate was issued, there may be additional formalities to consider:
The documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formalities.
If the translation into Romanian is carried out by an authorized translator from one of the countries with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements on judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be supralegalized/apostilled. The countries with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - in practice, apostille may still be requested
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - in practice, apostille may still be requested
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires supralegalization, except for the regions of Macau and Hong Kong, where apostille is required
The multilingual birth certificate issued under Convention No. 16 of the International Commission on Civil Status regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
However, for documents issued by other countries, the document will need to be apostilled or legalized.
You can find out more information about the procedure you need to follow, and you can as well schedule your birth certificate transcription here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I want to transcribe the birth certificate at the Romanian authorities
At least one parent lives in Romania.
The civil status documents of Romanian citizens, issued by foreign authorities, have evidentiary power in Romania only if they are transcribed in the Romanian civil status registers. Romanian citizens have the obligation to request the transcription of the birth certificate/extract within 6 months from the birth of the child.
You can ask for the transcription of the birth certificate at the local Public Community Service of Personal Records (SPCLEP) or at the town hall of the place of residence of either parent.
You will be asked to provide the following documents:
Birth certificate or extract issued by foreign authorities. Depending on the issuing country, you may be required to apostille, super-legalize, or present a legalized translation of the document (certified by a notary);
You and your partner’s (parents’) ID card/passport;
Certificate of acquisition of Romanian citizenship (if applicable);
If you and your partner are married, the Romanian marriage certificate of the parents or the foreign marriage certificate transcribed in the Romanian civil registries;
If you and your partner are not married, your (the parents’) birth certificates;
If you and your partner have different domiciles (live at different addresses), a declaration regarding the child's domicile.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state in which the birth certificate was issued, you will have to comply with certain formalities:
The documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formalities.
If the translation into Romanian is carried out by an authorized translator from one of the countries with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements on judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The countries with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may still be requested
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may still be requested
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the regions of Macau and Hong Kong, where apostille is required
The multilingual birth certificate issued under Convention No. 16 of the International Commission on Civil Status regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
For documents issued by other countries, the document will need to be apostilled or legalized
You can find out more information about the procedure you need to follow at the local community personal register public service or at the town hall of the place of residence.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The parents no longer live in Romania, but at least one parent used to be domiciled in Romania
Your civil status documents, as a Romanian citizen, issued by foreign authorities, have evidentiary power in Romania only if they are transcribed in the Romanian civil status registers. As a Romanian citizen, you have the obligation to request the transcription of the birth certificate/extract within 6 months from the birth of the child.
You can ask for the transcription at the local community personal register public service or at the town hall of the domicile of either parents.
You will be asked to provide the following documents:
Birth certificate or extract issued by foreign authorities. Depending on the issuing country, you may be required to apostille, super-legalize, or present a legalized translation of the document (certified by a notary);
Parents’ ID card or passport;
Certificate of acquisition of Romanian citizenship (if applicable);
If you and your partner are married, the Romanian marriage certificate or the foreign marriage certificate transcribed in the Romanian civil registries;
If you and your partner are not married, your (the parents’ ) birth certificates;
If you and your partner have different domiciles (live at different addresses), a declaration from the parents regarding the transcription of the birth certificate and regarding the child's domicile.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state in which the birth certificate was issued, you will have to comply with certain formalities:
The documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formalities.
If the translation into Romanian is carried out by an authorized translator from one of the countries with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements on judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The countries with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may still be requested
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may still be requested
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the regions of Macau and Hong Kong, where apostille is required
The multilingual birth certificate issued under Convention No. 16 of the International Commission on Civil Status regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
For documents issued by other countries, the document will need to be apostilled or legalized
You can find out more information about the procedure you need to follow at the local community personal register public service or at the town hall of the place of domicile.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The parents never lived in Romania
Your civil status documents as a Romanian citizen, issued by foreign authorities, have evidentiary power in Romania only if they are transcribed in the Romanian civil registries. As a Romanian citizen, you have the obligation to request the transcription of the birth certificate/extract within 6 months from the birth of the child.
You can request the transcription of the birth certificate at the Sector 1’s City Hall (Bucharest).
You will be asked to provide the following documents:
Birth certificate or extract issued by foreign authorities. Depending on the issuing country, you may be required to apostille, super-legalize, or present a legalized translation of the document (certified by a notary);
Parents’ ID card or passport;
Certificate of acquisition of Romanian citizenship (if applicable);
If you and your partner are married, the Romanian marriage certificate of the parents or the foreign marriage certificate transcribed in the Romanian civil registriesstatus registers;
If you and your partner are not married, your (the parents’ )parents’ birth certificates;
If you and your partner have different domiciles (live at different addresses), a declaration from the parents regarding the transcription of the birth certificate and regarding the child's domicile, a declaration from the parent regarding the transcription of the birth certificate and the child's domicile.
ATTENTION! Depending on the state in which the birth certificate was issued, you will have to comply with certain formalities:
The documents issued by EU member states are exempt from apostille or any other legalization formalities.
If the translation into Romanian is carried out by an authorized translator from one of the countries with which Romania has concluded treaties/conventions/agreements on judicial assistance, the document no longer needs to be super-legalized/apostilled. The countries with which Romania has concluded such agreements are:
Belgium - apostille may still be requested
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Bulgaria - apostille may still be requested
Czech Republic
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
North Korea
China - requires super-legalization, except for the regions of Macau and Hong Kong, where apostille is required
The multilingual birth certificate issued under Convention No. 16 of the International Commission on Civil Status regarding the issuance of multilingual extracts of civil status documents, signed in Vienna on September 8, 1976, is exempt from translation and legalization (Form A-CIEC).
For documents issued by other countries, the document will need to be apostilled or legalized
You can find out more information about the procedure you need to follow on the Sector 1 City Hall’s website.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I am a foreign citizen
I want to register the birth at the City Hall
We are married
To register the birth of your child, the Register Office will require the following documents:
Identity documents of the parents.
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, the exact date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp.
Romanian marriage certificate of the parents or the foreign marriage certificate of the parents transcribed in the Romanian civil status registers.
Declaration indicating the name of the child, if the parents do not have the same surname.
To register the birth of your child, the Register Office will require the following documents:
Identity documents of the parents;
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, the exact date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp;
Romanian marriage certificate of the parents or the foreign marriage certificate of the parents transcribed in the Romanian civil registries;
Declaration indicating the name of the child, if you and the other parent
do not have the same surname.
Foreign citizen parents will need to present certain documents, as follows:
If the parent is a citizen of a member state of the European Union or of the Swiss Confederation, he/she can present the original and a copy of the ID card or passport;
If the parent is a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, they must present their passport, both the original and a copy;
If the parent has a special status in Romania (e.g. is recognized as a refugee), he/she can present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and a copy.
If your identification documents, as a parent, are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language of your written document.
ATTENTION! If you and your partner have different surnames, you will declare in writing, in the presence of the civil registry officer or notary, which surname your child will have. For example, you can decide that the child will bear the surname of one of you, a compound name combining your names, etc.
If you fail to reach an agreement regarding the child's surname, the case will be brought before the guardianship court (in front of a judge) who will make a decision in this regard. In this case, the birth certificate will be issued only after the court has reached a decision on the child's surname.
If one of the parents does not know Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
We are not married
The father acknowledges the child
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born out of wedlock.
To register the birth of the child, the Registry Office of the City Hall will require the following documents:
The medical certificate of birth which must include a registration number, the date of birth, the seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, and the signature and stamp of the doctor;
The statement showing the child's name, if you and your partner do not have the same last name;
Acknowledgement of paternity for the child born out of wedlock. This declaration must be completed by both parents in the presence of a notary or civil registry officer.
Additionally, you will need to present an identity document from the foreign parent as follows:
If the parent is a citizen of a European Union member state or the Swiss Confederation, they may present their ID card or passport, both the original and a copy;
If the parent is a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, they must present their passport, both the original and a copy;
If the parent has a special status in Romania (e.g., recognized as a refugee), they may present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and a copy.
If your identification documents are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specializing in the language of your written document.
ATTENTION! If you and your partner have different surnames, you will declare in writing, in the presence of the civil registry officer or notary, which surname the child will have. For example, you can decide that the child will bear the surname of one of you, a compound name combining your names, etc.
If you fail to reach an agreement regarding the child's surname, the case will be brought before the guardianship court (in front of a judge) who will make a decision in this regard. In this case, the birth certificate will be issued only after the court has reached a decision on the child's surname.
If one of the parents does not speak Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The father does not acknowledge the child
In Romania, children born to married parents have the same rights as children born outside of marriage.
To register the birth of the child, the Registry Office of the City Hall will require the following documents:
Mother’s birth certificate;
Mother's identity card;
Medical certificate confirming the birth which must include a registration number, the exact date, seal/stamp of the healthcare unit, doctor's signature and stamp.
If the mother is a foreign citizen, she will need to present identification documents, as follows:
If the mother is a citizen of a European Union member state or the Swiss Confederation, she may present her ID card or passport, both the original and a copy;
If the mother is a citizen of a third country (non-EU) or stateless, she must present her passport, both the original and a copy;
If the mother has a special status in Romania (e.g., recognized as a refugee), she may present the residence permit issued by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, both the original and a copy.
If your ID documents are not written in the Latin alphabet, a legalized translation of the page containing your identification information (name, date of birth, etc.) will be required. For example, if your passport contains personal information written only in the Cyrillic or Arabic alphabet, you will need to present a legalized translation of it as well.
A legalized translation is done by a professional translator (authorized) and bears the stamp of a public notary. To obtain a legalized translation, you should seek the services of a public notary office that collaborates with authorized translators specialized in the language of your written document.
If the father does not acknowledge the child, the paternity can be established through a court decision. The mother has the right to initiate legal action to establish paternity on behalf of the child. Upon reaching adulthood, the child and their heirs can also initiate such an action at any time during the child's life or at the opening of their inheritance.
If the mother does not speak Romanian, an authorized interpreter will be used.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
I want to register the birth at the embassy of my country of origin
The registration of the birth of a foreign citizen child born in Romania can be done at the embassy or consulate of your country of origin, depending on its laws. If your citizenship country does not have an embassy or consulate in Romania, you will need to check which embassy or consulate in the region responsible for Romania.
You can find the complete list of countries with diplomatic missions in Romania here.
ATTENTION! To ensure the accuracy of the information, we recommend contacting directly the embassy or consulate of your country of origin to confirm the procedure for registering the birth.If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Financial support
Incentives for newborns
Incentives for the newborn or baby bonuses are forms of financial support that new parents can receive.
ATTENTION! This type of assistance is not available nationwide, but only in certain localities that have decided to provide it through a decision of the local council. Next, we will present the eligibility criteria for granting the incentive in several localities in Romania. If your city is not on the list, it does not mean that there are no types of assistance available to you. We recommend that you directly contact the Social Assistance Department of the City Hall in your locality to obtain more information.
The conditions for granting the incentives, as well as their amount, vary from one locality to another. We recommend that you consult the website of your City Hall to make sure that the conditions for granting this aid have remained the same.
The Municipality of Bucharest
The parent or parents of a newborn can receive a financial incentive of 2500 RON if they meet the following conditions:
At least one parent has their domicile or residence in the municipality of Bucharest for at least 6 months prior to submitting the application;
The child was born at a clinic / hospital in the Municipality of Bucharest;
The incentive applicant does not have any outstanding debts to the local budget (at the General Directorate of Local Taxes and Fees of the sector where you live).
Examples of taxes and fees that you may pay to the local budget include: property tax, vehicle tax (for the car you drive), contravention fines (e.g. for exceeding the legal speed limit while driving), waste collection fee etc.
You have 1 month to submit the application, together with the supporting documents. You can find the full list of required documents here.
For more information and for registering your request, you can contact:
#bebedebucuresti 2 - (within the Social Services Complex - OMINIS) - Turnu Măgurele Street no. 17 A, sector 4.
#bebedebucuresti 3 – (within the headquarter of the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest) – Constantin Mille Street no. 10, sector 1.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The Municipality of Bacău
You can receive a baby bonus, in the amount of 2000 RON if you meet the following conditions:
The parent or parents reside in the Municipality of Bacău;
The child was born at a clinic / hospital in Bacău Municipality.
You can find out more details about this incentive here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The Municipality of Brașov
As a parent, you can benefit from the newborn’s layette which consists of vouchers worth 2000 RON (20 vouchers x 100 RON/voucher) that can only be used for the purchase of products intended for the childcare in the early months of life (food, diapers, clothing, hygiene products, etc.).
You can obtain this support if you meet the following conditions:
At least one parent has Romanian citizenship and a stable domicile within the Brașov Municipality for at least 1 year before the child's birth. If there is a single parent asking for this support, he must be a Romanian citizen;
The child was born at a clinic / hospital in the Municipality of Brașov;
You do not have any outstanding debts to the local budget (you have paid, for example, the property tax, vehicle tax, contravention fines, sanitation charges or other local taxes and levies).
You have 60 calendar days to submit the application, together with the supporting documents. You can see the full list of required documents here.
For more details, you can contact the Brașov Social Assistance Directorate at 0040 751 193 657.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Brăila Municipality
As a parent you can receive a baby bonus of 1000 RON if you meet the following conditions:
Both of you (parents) have your domicile in the Brăila municipality for at least 6 months prior to the child’s birth;
You have no debts to the local budget (for example, you have paid your property tax, vehicle tax, contravention fines, sanitation fees or other local taxes).
You have 60 days from the date of issuance of the newborn’s birth certificate, but no more than 120 days from the child’s date of birth. You can see the full list of required documents here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Constanța Municipality
The financial support for newborns is in the amount of 2000 RON and is granted through a secured card. The card can only be used to purchase products intended for childcare in the early months of life (food, diapers, clothing, hygiene products, etc.).
As a parent you can obtain this support if you meet the following conditions:
One of you (parents) has Romanian citizenship and your domicile or residence in the municipality of Constanta for at least one year prior to the child’s date of birth. If there is a single parent asking for this support, he/she must be a Romanian citizen;
You do not have any outstanding debts to the local budget (you have paid, for example, the property tax, vehicle tax, contravention fines, sanitation charges or other local taxes and levies).
You have 90 days to submit the application, together with the supporting documents. You can find the full list of required documents here.
For more details, you can contact the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Constanța at 0040 341 180 115 or 0040 341 180 109 or by email at bebetrusou@dgas-ct.ro
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Făgăraș Municipality
You can receive a financial incentive for the newborn in the amount of 1500 RON, if you meet the following conditions:
At least one of you (parents) have your domicile or residence in the Făgăraș Municipality for at least 6 months prior to submitting the application;
The child was born at a clinic or hospital in the Municipality of Făgăraș;
You do not have any outstanding debts to the local budget (you have paid, for example, the property tax, vehicle tax, contravention fines, sanitation charges or other local taxes).
You have earned income in at least 12 months of the last 2 years. By income, we understand salaries, earnings you had from business, from intellectual property rights, from activity as an authorized individual, from rents, etc.
You have 30 days to register the application, together with the supporting documents. You can find the full list of required documents here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child allowance
The child is a Romanian citizen
The child was born in Romania
The parents work in Romania
The child has a certified disability
The Child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance has the value of 719 RON for children with a certified disability, up to the age of 18.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the children’s allowance is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer;
The certificate of disability issued by the competent Romanian authorities.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child has no certified disabilities
The child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance values as follows:
719 RON for children with ages between 0 and 2 years old;
292 RON for children with ages over 2 years old.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the state allowance for children is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Parents work abroad
The child has a certified disability
The child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance consists of 719 RON for children with a degree of disability, up to the age of 18.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the children’s state allowance is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer;
The certificate of disability issued by the competent Romanian authorities.
If at least one of the parents works outside the country, you will need to fill in some additional declarations. You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child has no certified disability
The child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance values as follows:
719 RON for children with ages between 0 and 2 years old;
292 RON for children with ages over 2 years old.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request
The application for the children’s state allowance is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer.
If at least one of the parents works abroad, you will need to fill in some additional declarations. You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
The child was born abroad
The child has a certified disability
The child benefit is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance consists of 719 RON for children with a certified disability, up to the age of 18.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the state allowance for children is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate, transcribed in Romania;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer;
The certificate of disability issued by the competent Romanian authorities.
If the child was born abroad, you will need to fill in some additional declarations. You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work/where the child was born, to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child has no certified disability
The child benefit is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18.
The allowance values as follows:
719 RON for children with ages between 0 and 2 years old.
292 RON for children with ages over 2 years old.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request
The application for the children’s state allowance is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer.
If the child was born abroad, you will need to fill in some additional declarations. You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work/where the child was born, to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child is a beneficiary of temporary protection
Children benefiting from temporary protection are entitled to the state allowance for children.
The allowance is valued at:
719 RON for children under 2 years old, and children up to the age of 18 with a disability.
292 RON for children aged between 2 and 18, and young people over 18 enrolled in pre-university education in Romania,
Find out what other forms of assistance you can access here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child is a foreign citizen residing in Romania and is not a beneficiary of temporary protection
The child has a certified disability
The child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18 years old.
The allowance consists of 719 RON for children with a certified disability, up to the age of 18.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the state allowance for children is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate, transcribed in Romania;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer;
The certificate of disability issued by the competent Romanian authorities.
You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work/where the child was born, to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
The child has no certified disability
The child allowance is a form of financial aid offered by the Government that children can receive up to the age of 18 years old.
The allowance values as follows:
719 RON for children with ages between 0 and 2 years old;
292 RON for children with ages over 2 years old.
Children who are still enrolled in high school or vocational school will continue to receive the allowance until they finish their studies, even if this happens after they turn 18 years old. For example, if you are over 18 years old in the 12th grade, you will continue to receive the allowance until you graduate.
Payment of the allowance can be made to:
One of the child's parents or his/her legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 14, with the consent of the parent / legal representative;
The child, after reaching the age of 18, based on his/her request.
The application for the state allowance for children is submitted to the City Hall of the commune, city, municipality or sector where you live. The request must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
The identity documents of the parents / legal representative (ID card, passport, etc.);
Child's birth certificate;
Other documents showing the members of the family, as the case may be, such as: marriage certificate, divorce certificate, decision approving the adoption, death certificate of a parent, etc.;
The account statement, in case you want to receive the allowance by bank transfer.
You may also need to provide a certificate from the authorities of the state where you work/where the child was born, to prove that you are not also receiving benefits in that state.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Maternity allowance
As an insured woman, you are entitled to pregnancy and maternity leave for a period of 126 calendar days, period when you receive maternity allowance.
The maternity allowance is in the amount of 85% of the average monthly income of the last 6 months.
For this, it is necessary to have a contribution period of at least 6 months in the last 12 months prior to the month when the leave is granted. Additionally, individuals who no longer have insured status for reasons beyond their control (e.g.: they were laid off for reasons unrelated to the employee) can also benefit from it, provided that the birth takes place within 9 months from the moment of losing insured status.
To obtain the allowance, a medical certificate issued by the family doctor is required, based on a medical letter provided by the specialist doctor for granting this allowance. It is paid from a special fund during maternity leave.
Find out more about the medical services you can access during pregnancy and childbirth here.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Child-rearing allowance
The child's parents, adoptive parents, the person to whom the child was entrusted for adoption, the person who has the child in foster care or in emergency foster care, the maternal assistant and the guardian can benefit from the child-rearing allowance.
The child-rearing allowance is 85% of the average net income earned, with the mention that it cannot be less than 1651 RON/month, but not greater than 8500 RON/month.
To receive the allowance for child rearing, you must contact the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) in the county or sector where you live.
To receive the child-rearing allowance, you must have earned income for a period of 12 months in the last 2 years prior to birth, adoption approval, custody, or placement or guardianship establishment. You are also eligible for the allowance for child rearing if you are in one of the following situations:
sent on a permanent mission abroad;
benefited from the monthly allowance provided in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus;
accompanied the spouse sent on a permanent mission abroad;
benefited from unemployment allowance or completed periods of internship contributing to the public pension system, under the conditions of collective dismissal;
in the records of the county employment agencies, respectively of the municipality of Bucharest, in order to grant unemployment benefits;
benefited from holidays and social health insurance allowances;
benefited from medical leaves and allowances for the prevention of illnesses and the recovery of work capacity, exclusively for situations resulting from work accidents or occupational diseases;
benefited from a disability pension;
in the period of temporary interruption of the activity, at the initiative of the employer, without termination of the employment contract, for economic, technological, structural or similar reasons;
benefited from leave and monthly allowance for raising the child;
benefited from unpaid parental leave;
is within the period of 3 months from the termination of a fixed-term employment contract and the start of another fixed-term employment contract;
a doctoral student;
performed or is performing military service on a voluntary basis, were mobilized or in captivity;
attend, without interruption, the day courses of pre-university education, including the "second chance" program, or, as the case may be, university at the level of undergraduate or master's studies, as well as postgraduate education at master's level, organized according to the law, in the country or abroad, in a field recognized by the Ministry of Education, with the exception of the interruption of courses for medical reasons;
in the period between the end of a form of pre-university education and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of pre-university education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the graduation of the day courses of the pre-university education, organized according to the law, and the start of the university education, day courses, in the same calendar year;
in the period between the end of a form of university education, day courses, with or without a license or diploma exam, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of university education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the end of a form of university education, at the level of bachelor's or master's university studies, as well as postgraduate education at the master's level, day courses, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of university education at the level of bachelor's or master's studies, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the end of a form of postgraduate education, day courses, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of postgraduate education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
is within the period of 60 days from the completion of the compulsory education courses or, as the case may be, from the graduation of the day courses of the pre-university education, university at the undergraduate or master's level university studies and postgraduate at the master's level, organized according to the law, with or without a graduation exam, for employment or, as the case may be, unemployment, calculated starting from the 1st of the month following the completion of studies;
benefited from unpaid leave to participate in training and professional development courses at the initiative of the employer or to which he gave his consent, organized in accordance with the law;
in the period between the graduation of the day courses of the medical university, organized according to the law, with the license exam organized in the first session, and the start of the first residency after graduation.
The following documents are required to obtain the allowance:
A standard application signed by both parents;
A copy of the parents' identity documents;
A copy of the child's birth certificate or of the court decision of entrustment with adoption, the court decision or the decision of the child protection commission for the emergency placement measure, the birth certificates of the other children under supervision;
A copy of the marriage certificate (if applicable);
A copy of the family book or a declaration if it does not exist;
A standard certificate issued by the employer showing that the entitled person: has earned salary income subject to income tax, according to the Fiscal Code, for 12 months, in the last 24 months before the birth of the child;
For bank account payment - proof issued by the bank that must contain: the name and surname of the account holder (the account must be in the name of the entitled person, who is the holder of the file), holder's CNP, IBAN code;
A copy of the proof of the suspension of activity / termination of the activity (decision, order, disposition, additional document), (if applicable);
The mother's statement regarding the maternity leave or, as the case may be, a certificate issued by the Health Insurance Company stating whether or not she has benefited from maternity leave (if she has benefited from maternity leave, the certificate will contain the period of the maternity leave and the amounts received each month);
Applicant type declaration regarding the protection of personal data of both parents
In case of income derived from copyrights, the following shall be added:
The sole declaration and the certificate of earned income issued by the tax authority (for the year prior to the child's birth and for the year of the child's birth);
A certificate containing the gross income for each month, the withheld social contributions (C.A.S., unemployment, etc.), the withheld tax, and the net income for each month, for the year of the child's birth;
A copy of the copyright agreement;
A copy of the proof of suspension of the activity;
A sworn statement, that in the following year, A.P.I.S.M.B. will present, within 30 days from the communication, the proof of the income actually achieved, issued by the financial administration.
In the case of income obtained from practicing medical or legal professions, the following shall be added:
The sole declaration and the certificate of income, issued by the tax authority (for the year before the child's birth and for the year of the child's birth);
Proof of activity interruption;
A sworn declaration that in the following year, within 30 days from receiving the request, the evidence of the actual earned income, issued by the financial administration, will be submitted to A.P.I.S.M.B.
In the case of income obtained from civil agreements, commission contracts or other incomes assimilated to salaries, the following documents must be provided:
The sole declaration and the certificate of earned income, issued by the tax authority (for the year prior to the child's birth and for the year of the child's birth);
A copy of the proof of activity suspension;
A copy of the contract;
A sworn declaration that in the following year, within 30 days from receiving the request, the evidence of the actual earned income, issued by the tax administration will be submitted to A.P.I.S.M.B..
In the case of income obtained as an individual authorized person, the following documents must be provided:
The sole declaration and the certificate of earned income, issued by the tax authority (for the year prior to the child's birth and for the year of the child's birth);
A copy of the resolution from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the suspension of the activity;
A sworn declaration that in the following year, within 30 days from receiving the request, the evidence of the actually earned income, issued by the tax authority, will be submitted to A.P.I.S.M.B.
In case you have attended courses of pre-university / university / post-university education during the last 12 months of the last two years prior to the child's birth, the following documents must be provided:
Certificates of earned income, issued by the tax authority (for the year prior to the child's birth and for the year of the child's birth);
Certificate issued by the pre-university or, as the case may be, university education institution, attesting to uninterrupted attendance of full-time courses in the year prior to and in the year of the child's birth.
The deadline for submitting the child care allowance application is 30 days before the start of the child care leave (suspension of activity) or 60 days from the end of maternity leave or from the date of the child's birth in the event that the conditions for maternity leave are not met.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Professional insertion incentive
If you are a parent on childcare leave, adoptive parent, individual entrusted with a child for adoption or providing foster care or emergency care, you can benefit from the professional insertion incentive.
In 2023, the value of the insertion incentive for people who return to work before the baby turns 6 months old is 1576 RON, and the value of the insertion incentive for those who return to the job after the child turns 6 months old will be 683 RON.
To receive the insertion incentive, you must contact the social assistance department in the city where you live or the town hall (if the locality does not have a social assistance department).
To receive the insertion incentive, you must have earned income for a period of 12 months in the last 2 years prior to birth, adoption approval, custody, or foster care placement. You may be eligible for the insertion incentive if you are in one of the following situations:
sent on a permanent mission abroad;
benefited from the monthly allowance provided in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus;
accompanied the spouse sent on a permanent mission abroad;
benefited from unemployment allowance or completed periods of internship contributing to the public pension system, under the conditions of collective dismissal;
in the records of the county employment agencies, respectively of the municipality of Bucharest, in order to grant unemployment benefits;
benefited from holidays and social health insurance allowances;
benefited from medical leaves and allowances for the prevention of illnesses and the recovery of work capacity, exclusively for situations resulting from work accidents or occupational diseases;
benefited from a disability pension;
in the period of temporary interruption of the activity, at the initiative of the employer, without termination of the employment contract, for economic, technological, structural or similar reasons;
benefited from leave and monthly allowance for raising the child;
benefited from unpaid parental leave;
is within the period of 3 months from the termination of a fixed-term employment contract and the start of another fixed-term employment contract;
a doctoral student;
performed or is performing military service on a voluntary basis, were mobilized or in captivity;
attend, without interruption, the day courses of pre-university education, including the "second chance" program, or, as the case may be, university at the level of undergraduate or master's studies, as well as postgraduate education at master's level, organized according to the law, in the country or abroad, in a field recognized by the Ministry of Education, with the exception of the interruption of courses for medical reasons;
in the period between the end of a form of pre-university education and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of pre-university education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the graduation of the day courses of the pre-university education, organized according to the law, and the start of the university education, day courses, in the same calendar year;
in the period between the end of a form of university education, day courses, with or without a license or diploma exam, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of university education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the end of a form of university education, at the level of bachelor's or master's university studies, as well as postgraduate education at the master's level, day courses, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of university education at the level of bachelor's or master's studies, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
in the period between the end of a form of postgraduate education, day courses, and the beginning, in the same calendar year, of another form of postgraduate education, day courses, organized according to the law, attended without interruption;
is within the period of 60 days from the completion of the compulsory education courses or, as the case may be, from the graduation of the day courses of the pre-university education, university at the undergraduate or master's level university studies and postgraduate at the master's level, organized according to the law, with or without a graduation exam, for employment or, as the case may be, unemployment, calculated starting from the 1st of the month following the completion of studies;
benefited from unpaid leave to participate in training and professional development courses at the initiative of the employer or to which he gave his consent, organized in accordance with the law;
in the period between the graduation of the day courses of the medical university, organized according to the law, with the license exam organized in the first session, and the start of the first residency after graduation.
The following documents are required to receive the integration allowance:
A completed application form;
Copies and original of identification documents for both parents;
A copy and the original of the marriage certificate (if applicable);
A copy and the original of the child's birth certificate;
A copy and the original birth certificates of other dependent children (if applicable);
Documents proving the applicant's status and relationship with the child (in the case of adopted or foster children);
Proof of resuming activity;
Employer-completed standard certificate;
Certificate from National Agency for Fiscal Administration ANAF for the year of the child's birth and for the previous year (in the case of people who earn income from independent activities);
Proof issued by the employer or competent authorities regarding the earned income;
Beneficiary’s declaration;
Statement of the other parent;
Bank account statement for people who want for their professional insertion incentive to be paide via bank transfer.
If you want to support us to continue our work, send an SMS with the text PUTEM to 8864 and donate 4 Euros monthly to Code for Romania (available only for Romanian phone numbers).
Learn more about the health resources you have access to as a pregnant or breastfeeding woman.